slight elbow pain when jabbing.


Brown Belt
Jul 27, 2002
Reaction score
Today while doing Bas's workout in boxing, I started to feel slight pain or soreness in my left elbow (jabbing arm).

I got tired during the last rounds like round 6 and my punches locked out. maybe thats the problem.

what do I do? Ice it?
Maybe your overextending your elbows. Doing it chronicly will gradually cause more damage.

I suggest you rest it for a week and then try to turn your fist to the inside a little when you punch, like when you do a (left) jab your thumb should point down or at least make a 45 degree angle with the horizontal.

Also always warm up your elbows and shoulders before workout.
Ultrashogun said:
Maybe your overextending your elbows. Doing it chronicly will gradually cause more damage.

I suggest you rest it for a week and then try to turn your fist to the inside a little when you punch, like when you do a (left) jab your thumb should point down or at least make a 45 degree angle with the horizontal.

Also always warm up your elbows and shoulders before workout.

Good advice. Sounds like your snapping your elbows out. When shadowboxing you shouldn't extend your elbow all the way otherwise you'll cause damage to your joints. If you get too tired to the point where you can't control how far your elbow is extending that is probably a good point to stop and rest.

But yeah I'd suggest atleast a week of rest. It may take longer than that before your elbow feels 100 percent.
I got the exact same thing in my elbow. Let it rest like Ultra said, and maybe try some Glucosimine with Chondriton. I started taking it a few weeks ago and it helps BIG time. Get the 1000 mg if you can.