Simpsons vs. Bundys Quote Jamboree

"press any key to get started. which ones the any key?"
Al: I don't understand. I mean, the father's the boss, isn't he? I mean, Robert Young was the boss. Fred MacMurray got some respect. Even Fred Flintstone had his day once or twice. Are you telling me I'm not the man Fred Flintstone is?

Steve: Well, he had a better job than you do.

Al: Ya know, Barney Rubble wasn't much, but at least he was supportive.
"Careful, they're ruffled!"

Al: "Congratulations Peg, you've just won a trip to disneyfist"

Bart: "and did you know that the hole's only natural enemy is the pile"

Marge: Is it true that we should wait at least an hour after eating before we go in (the swimming pool)?
Pool Salesman: Look, question lady, this job is not what I really do. I play keyboards.
Ralph Wiggum "Me fail English? That's unpossible!!"
"Marge, I don't hate your mother. I just won't be sad when she dies."
Moe: Call this an unfair generalization if you must, but old people are no good at everything.