Opinion Should members of congress be able to buy stocks?

These dirty pricks would find a way if you banned them and immediate family. They would just have a friend do it and transfer the stocks to them when they retire. I would venture to say that every single senator and members of the house are all guilty of accepting bribes, favors, or engaging in fraud and insider trading.
Politicians are not in it for the greater good. They want money and power, period.
This is the most obvious thing, but so many people still fall for the selling talking points from these disingenuous salesmen politicians (on both sides).

Thinking a politician or anyone who is high up in power (whether it be medical, law enforcement, etc.) genuinely has the public's best interest in mind is like thinking McDonald's introduced the salad because they actually cared about their customers having good eating habits.
The problem is Nancys husband isn't a member of congress. Purchasing Nvidia shares was blatantly illegal. However, the MSM buried it for the most part. So, most people will never know.