Opinion Should members of congress be able to buy stocks?

Lock him and her up please this is BS. Inflation is all time high and middle class is getting wiped out while our elected officials are using our tax funded legislation to get rich
Absolutely. Especially the corrupt politicians who support legislation that are beneficial to top corporations, in exchange for insider information.

That allows me to copy that corrupt politicians' stock choices so we both make a nice, big profit

If there was a place that freely published the stock activity of senators I would study that information closely.
If there was a place that freely published the stock activity of senators I would study that information closely.
They have to disclose their stock activity. Of course, the public only gets access to that info about a month later.
They have to disclose their stock activity. Of course, the public only gets access to that info about a month later.
Yeah, I would want it same day, or even a little bit before it went through.
Yeah, I would want it same day, or even a little bit before it went through.
TikTokers Are Trading Stocks By Copying What Members of Congress Do

Among a certain community of individual investors on TikTok, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's stock trading disclosures are a treasure trove. "Shouts out to Nancy Pelosi, the stock market's biggest whale," said user 'ceowatchlist.' Another said, "I've come to the conclusion that Nancy Pelosi is a psychic," while adding that she is the "queen of investing."

Josephs is the co-founder of a company called Iris, which shows other people's stock trades. In the past year and a half, he has been taking advantage of a law called the Stock Act, which requires lawmakers to disclose stock trades and those of their spouses within 45 days.
anyone else would go down for insider trading, but if your a politician its fine
The higher up the ladder you are the less conflict of interest rules seem to get enforced. Talk about bass ackwards.
I'd love to see Americans across the political divide come together and do something about this.
Good luck. One side actively signed up to strip their freedoms away, get jabbed every month, lock down,
Collect inflation hand outs and stay scared.
Nope. Been talking about this for a few years now. They all trade based off of insider information which is illegal for everyone except those in congress. Pelosi and Tubberville are two of the most blatant. Then there were a bunch who dumped their portfolios at the beginning of the covid outbreak when they were telling everyone nothing was wrong. They should be allowed to invest in spy, qqq and other index funds. Nothing else.
Not going to lie, the SP500 is still too specific aka concentrated imho. Apple alone makes up a few percentage of it. So to truly make it fair they should be limited to nasdaq and NYSE combined only. That way they have a larger diversification and wouldn’t be able to benefit from a single industry that they had info on
I don't think our members of Congress should be even able to make any money beyond their salary and pension for the rest of their lives.
Yes, but it should be limited. My wife and I do translations for big companies and we're way more limited than politicians. Is that normal?
Of course not. They're obviously privy to information that the general public is not. Not only do they get insider information, but their whole campaigns are financed by corporations, which is essentially bribery. Congress is made up of the biggest criminals in the country. I'm not really sure how anyone can take the country seriously at this point, justice and equal treatment under law objectively do not exist.
I don't think our members of Congress should be even able to make any money beyond their salary and pension for the rest of their lives.

Pelosi should be able to do Onlyfans if she wants.
Maybe market wise indexes. That way they have a vested interest in the economy as a whole