Should Kicks To The Head/Neck Area Be Illegal?

Lockard The GOAT

Mar 7, 2016
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As fun as those type of KO's are to watch, they can also make you cringe as a swift enough kick could break someone's neck. Do you think kicks should be restricted to the body and the legs only or are you fine with allowing them to the head?
Clever title
I prefer body kicks to the shoulders.
Sooner see that than headkicks to the leg....

EDIT: Push up brah already got this....
As much as blood chokes. because what if someone loss too much blood already and the brain is half past the starving point. They could died
Other than leg kicks, what kind of kicks are there?
Yes but liver kicks to the shin should still be allowed
Then let's make punches and elbows to the head illegal too. Because those could kills someone too given the right circumstances. Or we could leave it up to the fighters who know the risk and take it anyway.
TS is right, only fist punches to the torso should be allowed
As fun as those type of KO's are to watch, they can also make you cringe as a swift enough kick could break someone's neck. Do you think kicks should be restricted to the body and the legs only or are you fine with allowing them to the head?
No, bc leg kicks are kicks to the leg TS- kicks to the head are called head kicks..