Should it be mandatory for pit bulls to wear a muzzle when out in public?

Damn that guy was a total pussy. Why didn't he start soccer kicking the dog?
No,train you're dog properly and you won't have those issues with pit bulls.
It should be mandatory for dog owners to take classes on how to control their dogs. A lot of dig owners are idiots who think defiant behavior from a dog is actually only "cute." It's not the breed AS MUCH AS it is the human who "owns" them.

If you don't believe me, count how many people walking their dog let their dog walk ahead of them. That's the dog feeling that they are the alpha in that dynamic. It might seem simple but dogs are, at heart, members of a mobile pack, and the alpha is always first. The human behind is the beta.

I say yes. They say it’s the owner and not the dog, but I beg to differ.

So you want to muzzle pitbulls, but my Cane Corso is cool huh?


That's a Cane Corso. It is NOT a pitbull. Ok so muzzle Cane Corsos too? What breeds should be muzzled then? Should a puppy pitbull that weighs 15lbs be muzzled in public? What if someone has a dog that isn't a pitbull but looks similar to one? What if someone has a 100lb poodle?

When you look at this argument with any minor amount of scrutiny, you quickly see if fall apart.
1. Blame the people not the dogs
2. Claim the dog in question wasn't even a pit bull and start a debate on the definition of pit bull
3. Talk about how your pit bulls would never hurt anyone
4. Take zero steps to prevent future attacks from happening

Hey guys, I think I got the hang of defending pits.
Of course not, pitbulls are no different than any other breed.