Media SHOTS FIRED! Colby goes in on Masvidal...

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That’s a man baby.
Wood......3 piece and a soda......and then only head down ass up....
Knowing Colby, he probably took a random latina girl... <mma3>
Listen......Coby is usually dorky and cringey as fuck, but this is a legit 10-7 round for him. If Jorge somehow pulls of the upset, this match would have some insane heat and momentum going into it.
Somehow, while sherdog wasnt looking, the entire WW division turned into a Telenovela, except all the main stars are terminally uncharismatic.
Too silly for me. Jorge probably walked out from the kitchen with Nachos a moment later, and they all watched Jurassic Park together
Gotta a feeling jorge doesn’t give a fook about childish games
Lmao sweet revenge from Colby for all the bs Masvidal been pulling. Couple days before ppv main event <45>

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