She's Beautiful And Nerdy My Kind Of Girl She Makes A Siri Like Software App


Sunflower in support of Ukraine
Jan 20, 2004
Reaction score

Liesl Capper

She just sold her startup to IBM for an undisclosed sum of money. She designed a virtual assistant that works similar to Siri. Her software company is a startup and was just bought by IBM. This is her 3rd startup and first one that likely made her a nice payback. Cognea also said it had some pretty high-powered customers, including State Farm, two Australian banks, NASA and HP according to their website most of the information has been taken down.


What's the point of this poorly composed thread? Are you just letting everyone know that you're attracted to this girl, or do you have some sort of opinion on her business dealings?
you've got low standards if you think she is beautiful
just watched an interview of her. she seems like an intj.
is this like when biological siblings who never met are mysteriously drawn to each other?


That sort of thing only happens in the bible.

I like the dubs. Good look for ya. Tread lightly.
Now all you have to do is climb to the highest peak and shout out your love for her so that the heavens will know.
I like her accent, and when she shakes her boobs, around the 1:52 mark.

Other than that, don't really care too much. Only watched video up to 1:54 mark.
hmm would be impressed if she actually profited off of an original idea, rather than just hacking together something already in existence.