****SHERDOG USER RULES AND FAQ**** -- Please Read

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Drunken Meat Fist

Veni Veni Veni
Senior Administrator
Dec 18, 2001
Reaction score
Welcome! Sherdog is a private forum so posting is a privilege, not a right. All rules are subjective to administrative interpretation.

***Platinum Members Please Note*** -- While we greatly appreciate your subscription and support, these rules apply uniformly to everyone, with no added leniency given for paying members. If you commit a ban infraction, your money will be lost rather than pro-rated or refunded.

Double Yellows: last 30 days. Members lose many posting abilities. Any infractions while carded = ban.

Double Yellow Infractions

1. Fighter Bashing (including refs, promoters and the like) won't be tolerated. Criticism is fine, flaming isn't. Minor bashing such as "so and so sucks, is a can, etc." is a double yellow, while extreme bashing like "so and so is a pile of shit, bitch, ***got, etc." will result in a ban.

2. Postwhoring. Posting "+1," "too long, didn't read," "rickson by armbar," empty quoting, etc., will result in a double yellow card and post count reduction. If it's a number of posts, you will be banned for trolling. Chat-threads or those running a ridiculous number of pages will be moved to the Wasteland. Empty posting is carded in all forums.

3. Scrollbombs. Posts designed to cause thread or computer problems will result in a ban.

4. Posting/soliciting video clips of events recently shown on pay per view. Posting full fight clips from unauthorized copyrighted events.

5. Nudity. No bareass, assfloss, nipples or graphic poses, avatars included.

6. Copyright infringement. Ex: If a site posts an interview, post a link don't cut and paste the entire article.

7. Profanity it the thread titles.

8. Knowingly or repeatedly posting material in the wrong forum; if you are unsure, feel free to pm a moderator.

Ban Infractions

1. Hateful comments. "Shut up ***," "Fuck you Newb," etc.,

2. Member Harrassment (including pms, threats).

3. Tape trading/selling.

4. Using an alternate account while carded.

5. Orchestrating forum raids.

6. Posting a private conversation or personal information without consent.

7. Trolling (posting ridiculous/non-sensical/irrelevent/racial/disturbing comments, images or links), posting to stir shit/cause problems.

8. Porn. Posting, quoting or outwardly soliciting/providing pornographic images or links. This means:
No rape threads/posts/images
No shit threads/posts/images
No beastiality threads/posts/images
No overtly pornographic threads/posts/images
No :eek::eek::eek::eek:phile/incest threads/posts/images
No grossout threads/posts/images

9. Posting fight spoilers outside the spoiler forum (shows on tape delay in the U.S.)

***NOTE*** -- We're only interested in what happens regarding the website, if your brother, ex-girlfriend or drunken asshole buddy gets into your account or starts posting infractions while you're on the toilet, the account will take the bullet regardless.

If you see a thread getting out of hand please pm a moderator and it will be taken care of.

Thanks, and enjoy the forums.
Sherdog MMA Discussion Frequently Asked Questions

Forum Related

Q. How many posts till I get such and such a belt?

150 = Yellow
250 = Orange (comes with ability to have an avatar under your name)
500 = Blue
950 = Green
1500 = Purple
2500 = Brown
5000 = Black (comes with ability to have custom text and/or a custom belt)
7500 = Red
10000 = Silver

Q. How do I send and view recieved Private Messeges, or change my avatar, password or email as well as check up on subscribed threads?

All of this can be achieved through the User Control Panel which can be accessed from the top of the site by clicking the button USER CP, there you can view subscribed threads/forums, edit your profile and manage your private messeges etc. You can also choose to have a "pop up" box remind you that you've recieved a private messege.

Q. Why don't my posts count towards my postcount?

Postcount is disabled in the following forums:

Sprechen Ze Jive
Pictures & Multimedia

Posts will not be counted in the above forums.

Q. I've cleaned out my PM box but it still says it's full?

Clean out your sent items folder. When ever you send a PM, it is copied into the Sent Item folder and takes up as much space as an incoming PM. The total PM box capacity is 70 messeges, you can regurarly check how full your PM box is from the Forums Index.

Q. How big are the avatars and when do I get one?

The avatars are 100 x 100 pixels and their maximum size is 10kb. You get one after 250 posts.


Q. .It says that the picture I'm trying to upload is too big, how do I reduce the size of the image so I can use it as an avatar?

The image must be 100 by 100 pixels and under 10Kb. Download Ulead GIF animator and under the "Optimise" tab reduce the size of the image and it will compress the quality and the size accordingly. You can also use this program to make, resize and add special effects to avatars in GIF format.

Ulead GIF animator 5.0 can be downloaded from www.download.com and is a 15 day trial.

Q. How do I post a picture?

Make sure it
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