NOTE to NON-MEMBERS: DON'T VOTE! Confused about what the fuck's going on in here? See the following threads:
Welcome to the inaugural round of voting for the Sherdog Movie Club!
Welcome to the inaugural round of voting for the Sherdog Movie Club!
All right, guys. Here we go.
I've got 10 movies here. If you're not familiar with the movie, look it up and see if it sounds interesting! Some I picked, while some were suggested by other members. If you suggested a movie and you don't see it in the list, it's because I didn't find it on Netflix.
As I've mentioned a few times now, the Netflix thing is only for this week so don't worry about it.
Some of these films I've seen, some I haven't, and that will probably be the case with you as well. Some are more mainstream, some less so. Some are narrative films, some are documentaries.
The discussion thread will go up on WEDNESDAY. If you can't get to the movie between now and then, just get to it when you can and join us when you can.
Here's what we're working with:
Valhalla Rising
Prescription Thugs
Running Man
Team Foxcatcher
There Will Be Blood
The Act of Killing
UPDATE: It's Official!
Adjusted for non-member sabotage, here's the final tally. . .
Valhalla Rising - 10 votes
Running Man - 5 votes
There Will be Blood - 3 votes
Bronson - 3 votes
Prescription Thugs - 2 votes
Melancholia - 2 votes
Unforgiven - 1 vote
Team Foxcatcher - 1 vote
The Act of Killing - 1 vote
Braveheart - 0 votes
Members: @shadow_priest_x @Forum Sentinal @europe1 @Mondo Freaks @Cint @sleepwalk @Luke Rockhard @TheRuthlessOne @choke you @jabba the punk @EL CORINTHIAN @mb23100 @HUNTERMANIA @iThrillhouse @Zer @Roxxo @Money509 @Lethal_Striker @BenRichards @mooshy @JaegerIT @Lionel Mandrake @Genki Sudo II @DaDamn @chickenluver @gorgonon @jeicex @INTERL0PER @FierceRedBelt @Satanical Eve @Werdun @Jermei @Cptn1NSAN0 @D Train @GoForkYourself @Rimbaud82 @RayA @Friday The 13th @That209 @MusterX @Scott Parker 27
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