SHERDOG MOVIE CLUB: First Meeting -- Members GTFIH!



Hello and welcome to the first meeting of the Sherdog Movie Club. Thank you all for joining me. As your Chairman, I'd like to go ahead and bring this meeting to order.

Our purpose here today is simply to discuss how all of this is going to work and figure out the specifics. I believe that I'll begin with a number of questions/issues that I've already come up with, to which you guys can provide feedback, and also raise other issues that I haven't thought of yet.

So here are a few things that I've come up with. . .

1. Here's how I'm thinking this could work: Everything revolves around WEDNESDAY. On a typical Wednesday, the discussion thread for the week's movie goes up, as well as the poll to choose the next week's movie. So, as an example, if one week the movie Scarface was chosen, then on the following Wednesday the discussion thread for Scarface would go up as well as a poll with choices for the week after.

So let's say the discussion thread for Scarface goes up, and along with it a poll with the choices for the next week's movie. That poll would close within a few days, which gives everyone time to locate the movie and get ready for the next week. Then then the next Wednesday the cycle would repeat.

Does this make sense? And is everyone agreeable on this process? Does everyone like Wednesday as the pivot day?

2. @Luke Rockhard suggested that this be a bi-weekly event, instead of doing it every week. The reasons he gave included career/family obligations as well as the fact that he wants time to get a hold of the Blu-Ray. My response was that not every member would be required to participate every week. I personally am good to go on a weekly schedule, but I at least want to open this up to a discussion. If a majority of people think that a bi-weekly schedule is better, then we could go with that. So what does everyone think? Let's get some feedback on this.

3. Do we want to come up with a better name for our new institution? Or is SMC good enough?

4. Do we have anyone with any design skills that could make us a logo?

5. Each cycle, a new member nominates 3 to 5 movies as candidate movies for the voting process. The winner is the next week's movie. This right goes in order of sign up (indicated by the members list, read left to right).

6. There's no way to limit the actual discussion threads only to members, but only members have the right to nominate candidate films or vote. Also, if we ever do contests (which I think would be cool), then entry would be limited only to members. And lastly, non-members opinions in discussion threads are only 1/4 as valuable as members' opinions.

7. Since the purpose of this whole thing is to expand our knowledge of film and get good discussions going, it would be my recommendation to go for films that will accomplish both of these goals. There are plenty of films out there that are perfectly enjoyable to watch, but what's left to say about them when you're done?

8. When do we want to watch the first movie? This Wednesday only gives us a few days to vote, locate and watch. But next Wednesday would mean we're waiting for a week and a half to get our first discussion going. Thoughts on this?


Members: @shadow_priest_x @Forum Sentinal @europe1 @Mondo Freaks @Cint @sleepwalk @Luke Rockhard @TheRuthlessOne @choke you @jabba the punk @EL CORINTHIAN @mb23100 @HUNTERMANIA @iThrillhouse @Zer @Roxxo @Money509 @Lethal_Striker @BenRichards @mooshy @JaegerIT @Lionel Mandrake @Genki Sudo II @DaDamn @chickenluver @gorgonon @jeicex @INTERL0PER @FierceRedBelt @Satanical Eve @Werdun @Jermei @Cptn1NSAN0 @D Train @GoForkYourself @Rimbaud82 @RayA @Friday The 13th
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Wednesday works for me....what if we start this week with a movie that's on Netflix because of the short notice then next week we can pick whatever. Everyone has Netflix right?
All that sounds good I dont mind either way ifs its bi-weekly or weekly. I'm down for this wednesday or next whatever everyone else wants
Good idea. There's not enough movie threads.
Wednesday works for me....what if we start this week with a movie that's on Netflix because of the short notice then next week we can pick whatever. Everyone has Netflix right?

I'm down for that. Though I don't want it to have to count as my "turn" in terms of candidate movies, so how does this sound:

EVERYONE gets to go through Netflix and suggest a movie and then we end up with one huge super-vote?
sounds good, great idea, i think Sherdog movie club is a solid name, what kind of movie do we start with, maybe a vintage one, maybe a classic or hey how about something current and good that didnt get the credit it deserved?
I like all of that pretty much. I'm in.
Hello and welcome to the first meeting of the Sherdog Movie Club. Thank you all for joining me. As your Chairman, I'd like to go ahead and bring this meeting to order.

Our purpose here today is simply to discuss how all of this is going to work and figure out the specifics. I believe that I'll begin with a number of questions/issues that I've already come up with, to which you guys can provide feedback, and also raise other issues that I haven't thought of yet.

So here are a few things that I've come up with. . .

1. Here's how I'm thinking this could work: Everything revolves around WEDNESDAY. On a typical Wednesday, the discussion thread for the week's movie goes up, as well as the poll to choose the next week's movie. So, as an example, if one week the movie Scarface was chosen, then on the following Wednesday the discussion thread for Scarface would go up as well as a poll with choices for the week after.

So let's say the discussion thread for Scarface goes up, and along with it a poll with the choices for the next week's movie. That poll would close within a few days, which gives everyone time to locate the movie and get ready for the next week. Then then the next Wednesday the cycle would repeat.

Does this make sense? And is everyone agreeable on this process? Does everyone like Wednesday as the pivot day?

2. @Luke Rockhard suggested that this be a bi-weekly event, instead of doing it every week. The reasons he gave included career/family obligations as well as the fact that he wants time to get a hold of the Blu-Ray. My response was that not every member would be required to participate every week. I personally am good to go on a weekly schedule, but I at least want to open this up to a discussion. If a majority of people think that a bi-weekly schedule is better, then we could go with that. So what does everyone think? Let's get some feedback on this.

3. Do we want to come up with a better name for our new institution? Or is SMC good enough?

4. Do we have anyone with any design skills that could make us a logo?

5. Each cycle, a new member nominates 3 to 5 movies as candidate movies for the voting process. The winner is the next week's movie. This right goes in order of sign up (indicated by the members list, read left to right).

6. There's no way to limit the actual discussion threads only to members, but only members have the right to nominate candidate films or vote. Also, if we ever do contests (which I think would be cool), then entry would be limited only to members. And lastly, non-members opinions in discussion threads are only 1/4 as valuable as members' opinions.

7. Since the purpose of this whole thing is to expand our knowledge of film and get good discussions going, it would be my recommendation to go for films that will accomplish both of these goals. There are plenty of films out there that are perfectly enjoyable to watch, but what's left to say about them when you're done?

8. When do we want to watch the first movie? This Wednesday only gives us a few days to vote, locate and watch. But next Wednesday would mean we're waiting for a week and a half to get our first discussion going. Thoughts on this?


Members: @shadow_priest_x @Forum Sentinal @europe1 @Mondo Freaks @Cint @sleepwalk @Luke Rockhard @TheRuthlessOne @choke you @jabba the punk @EL CORINTHIAN @mb23100 @HUNTERMANIA @iThrillhouse @Zer @Roxxo @Money509 @Lethal_Striker @BenRichards @mooshy @JaegerIT @Lionel Mandrake @Genki Sudo II

Nominating Valhalla Rising as the first film to watch.
sounds good, great idea, i think Sherdog movie club is a solid name, what kind of movie do we start with, maybe a vintage one, maybe a classic or hey how about something current and good that didnt get the credit it deserved?

As per my response to MB23100, I'm thinking the first week what we'll do is EVERYONE goes to Netflix (for anyone who doesn't have it, borrow or do the free trial!) and picks one movie. Then we'll vote and whichever movie gets the most votes is our very first movie.

After that, each week a new member (in order of joining) is in charge of posting 3 to 5 candidate films that everyone else votes on. (Though I think it might be good to repeat the above SUPER VOTE idea with Netflix one week a month.)

So whatever member is in charge that week gets to choose his films according to his own predilections. Me, personally, I'll probably shoot for certain themes (such as films with a strong visual sense) or maybe I'll choose to go with a particular director.
cant we just agree on a movie on the thread here? i dont know, seems simpler than the Netflix thing

BTW, I just want to make sure everyone's on the same page. Do you understand the nomination process?

Yes I read the film section process. I like the bi-weekly schedule to accommodate members real life obligation.
cant we just agree on a movie on the thread here? i dont know, seems simpler than the Netflix thing

The Netflix thing is just to make sure people have access to the movie. I know that at least one member doesn't DL anything so it's basically for him and people like him, and Netflix is the single most used online video platform.

It's only for this first week, though. Since we're starting late. It's not going to be every week.

Do you not have Netflix?
Way too much structure to this. You guys will be giving me the movie club ban hammer eventually.