she woke, she be wokest

No offense, but isn’t Serbia generally regarded as a crap country with crap education?

Crap country with crap education which is still superior at elementary and high school level to the US public education. The fact that it's a crap country isn't a.function of education though, but of geopolitics, something that's pretty much outside a small country's sphere of influence, unfortunately
As for me and my war-torn (hyphenated, yes, and also an incorrect statement as Serbia proper was never in a war state during the 90s, something you would know if you weren't an ignorant pleb that you are - due to

scenic downtown belgrade c.1999

scenic downtown belgrade c.1999


3 months of bombing, strategic targets mostly. Went to the shelter the first week, spent every other raid playing basketball. Maybe stick to topics you know more than dick shit about, hm?
I think we can all agree that the country's education system is fucked up. I have actually been in the schools that have rich and poor kids. Even the rich kids aren't receiving great education.
Condoms are free, shouldn't have kids if so are so poor you can't do the most basic shit.

Actually, offering low cost / no cost reproductive health care saves goverments large amounts of money in the long term but evangelical lobbyists can't allow that.
3 months of bombing, strategic targets mostly. Went to the shelter the first week, spent every other raid playing basketball. Maybe stick to topics you know more than dick shit about, hm?

You sound smart but you also sound poor.

It's confusing.
It's never genetics when it comes to academic performance. Asians are just better parents.
Okay, this part is bullshit. STEM subjects are the most g loaded. G is largely genetic. IQ is genetic to a large extent. Of course hard work gets you further, but people with genetically lower IQ have a much lower shelf than those with genetically higher IQ. It takes a lot of hard work to succeed in athletics too. Why aren't Asians excelling there? Perhaps at least in part because they are genetically programmed on average to be shorter, have shorter limbs, higher base body fat, less muscle, etc.?
Okay, this part is bullshit. STEM subjects are the most g loaded. G is largely genetic. IQ is genetic to a large extent. Of course hard work gets you further, but people with genetically lower IQ have a much lower shelf than those with genetically higher IQ. It takes a lot of hard work to succeed in athletics too. Why aren't Asians excelling there? Perhaps at least in part because they are genetically programmed on average to be shorter, have shorter limbs, higher base body fat, less muscle, etc.?
See, I hate this narrative. Because it's more acceptable to be genetically inclined to be shorter and fatter but never dumber. That's why I don't want to talk about it and blame everything to upbringing.
How are condoms free?

They are free, at funded and open Planned Parenthood clinics...

See, I hate this narrative. Because it's more acceptable to be genetically inclined to be shorter and fatter but never dumber. That's why I don't want to talk about it and blame everything to upbringing.

To interject........ as an adult you can't really fix height. But you can personally train yourself out of being overweight or stupid. Put down the donuts and hit the books and the kettlebells.
See, I hate this narrative. Because it's more acceptable to be genetically inclined to be shorter and fatter but never dumber. That's why I don't want to talk about it and blame everything to upbringing.
I don't buy the all or nothing narratives. People who say it's all about discrimination, or all about culture, or all about hard work, or all about environment, or all about genetics. It's all of the above to varying extents.
Take your victim narrative bullshit back to whatever war torn shithole part of Serbia you came from because here, in AMERICA, decent parent's take responsibility for their children's upbringing, no matter how poor they are.

The scary thing is there are parents that believe this.

You're responsible for raising your own fucking kids.

There are plenty of shitty parents, and who cares whose fault it is, the parent? the teacher? Doesn’t fuckin matter. School is the one place society gets a say in the lives of CHILDREN, who have no say, and who are potentially raised with shitty values and work ethic. You guys are so eager to hold the parents to a “you made your bed, now lie in it” standard that you forget it forces the child into the same shitty situation. Where do you want to break that cycle of children being raised by idiots? From what I can see telling idiots to do better doesn’t work.
I didn't have my parents on my ass to study, and yet I did. It's a bullshit argument to make, especially in situations where many parents in low income families work multiple shitty jobs. It's school system's responsibility to instill the work ethics when it comes to school. Yours is basically the argument that poor people have poor work ethics

Bullshit. The parents are responsible. How the hell is a teacher going to ensure that you study for a test after school hours? How will your English teacher ensure that you're not out with shitty friends doing stupid things late at night instead of chilling and staying out of trouble? Do you think it's the teacher's responsibility to give you self worth or inspire you to be a Doctor, Lawyer, Chemist, or Airline Pilot? Hell no. If they do any of that it's a bonus.

If you depend on others to instill ethics in your kids then you shouldn't have kids.