She sells bubblegum and kicks ass...

"Leave my fridge alone!"
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Nice combo, especially adding the nut-shot.
Nice combo, especially adding the nut-shot.
Yeah, she clearly knows what the fuck she is doing. No fear, no hesitation, no anger, and good technique. This is the kinda woman you wanna get yourself.
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the way she casually walks it.
jesus at first i was like thats cute but she straight up laid his ass up, she know whats up
I don't know if a chick knowing what's up like that is a good thing. A chick with knock out power deserves the full wrath of any man she attacks.

It's like Amanda Nunes attacking you; if you don't treat her like a man you're going to sleep.
what are you gonna do, swing back at a bitch ang go to prison for years? might as well take that L right there
Old its been in street fight forum for like a year

And russia is russia cashiers might throw down.

This coming from a guy who used to steal and got a "hit" put on him (cashier toĺd older boys if they beat me up they get free stuff)
Dat glass jaw doe....
Could have been a tranny
I posted this in the street coliseum a few months ago