Setting the Record Straight on a few things.... READ IT!


Silver Belt
Dec 18, 2001
Reaction score
Ok guys.... there has been a lot of debates in this forum about the same old BS over and over again. I am setting it straight right now, so there wont be any more talk about it. Thanks for your time... enjoy....

1. Sak DID NOT TAP against Royce.... so get that out of your system real quick.

2. Rizzo beat Couture in their first fight. One of the worse decisions ever....

3. I take that back.... Busta/Liddell was the worse decision ever.

4. In the first Newton/Hughes fight, BOTH fighters were KOed at the same time. Should have been a no contest or something.

5. Rickson is NOT the best fighter ever. Dream on....

6. Take it for what its worth, ROYCE GRACIE made this sport what it is today. He made MMA/NHB.

7. Tito/Belfort will NEVER happen.

8. Sak/Rickson will NEVER happen either.... get over it.

9. Enough talking about Ken and Frank fighting. Sure, they dont see eye to eye, but they will NEVER get in the ring and fight. Lets get fucking real here.

10. Karate and TKD will do no good in a street fight.

11. NEVER armbar your pets for practice. ;)

12. Anyone who enjoys watching Takada fight is on CRACK.

13. Severn/Kimo could be one of the worse fights i have ever seen.

14. Pride is the BEST MMA organization around. Who's second?

15. BJ Penn will become the next LW Champ of the World.

16. Sapp will beat Mino in the upcoming Pride event.... (Ok maybe im on crack)

17. Larry Landless and BJM are great referrees. Give them some slack dammit!!!!!

18. Tanner is a chode.

19. Shooto is tired.

20. Sherdogs is the best fucking site around. Can u dig it suckas???

Aiight guys, i'll post more laters.... but think about the first 20. What do u guys think? Settle it once and for all, and dont post about this shit anymore. I'll be back..... peace!

#11 is going a bit far, isn't it? My cat has no problems with me armbarring her.
Hey, im making the numbers... u just discuss whats been said already. CHODE! ;)
hahahhaha, niice, the tanner is a chode was just icing on the cake, hahahaha
23: ShootoKing will post at least 23 times on this thread.
Damnit SHooto, just answer as you know you should....



If you're going to slam on someone, at least spell it right.


Thank you for playing.


Originally posted by PlanetMongo
If you're going to slam on someone, at least spell it right.
Thank you for playing.

Hey newbie English teacher.... we spell it CHODE so go play elsewhere.
Damn shooto we see eye to eye on almost 99% of the things you typed except I like to put my pets in armbars. My german shephard likes it :).
Thanks bros!!!! I'm glad we got some intelligent people in this thread so far! ;)
Actually it would be nice to limit the number of times that these topics are brought into discussion again !!
Freedom of speech does has its limitations doesn't it ??!! :) :)
Thats why i made this thread so we settle this BS once and for all. Read it, comprehend it, and move on. Thank u.
aw man, i always practice on my dogg!
How the hell do you put your pet into an armbar? My cats arm is as long as my hand ...
Hey Shooto...........I think I've given you a big enough lead with your posts. You ready to race to 10000 posts ??!! :D :D