What qualifications should a presidential candidate have? Be a career politician? A career often regarded with as much trust as a used car salesman?
I remember before Trump (BT) when people didn't want established political families or individuals running for president. They were sick of nothing changing and being treated as idiots. How quickly that changed. Now you idolise perhaps the most obvious puppet in US political history.
If you objectively look at the cause of the current divisiveness in your politics, as an overseas observer it appears to me the majority of it is caused by the rhetoric of democratic supporters and their politicians.
One thing I find interesting is the 'gotcha' videos both sides do.
When it's a left wing video exposing 'MAGAtards' the worst examples of Trump supporters are them being a bit slow. Basically they're dumb dumbs. Easily confused. Not sure what's going on. Truuuump!
Right wing videos exposing 'libtards' are filled with much the same. Picking the dumbest supporters. But holy shit there is a difference in attitude towards republicans that I just don't see going the other way.
Threats of violence are so incredibly common in the Libtard videos it amazed me. They scream and yell, shut down dissent, assault, threaten, they just come across mentally unhinged in many videos. Like it's impossible to regulate their emotions.
So many times I have seen an interviewer trying to get the 2 sides to discuss a topic to try and find common ground and early every time the republican is willing to sit down and discuss it and the democrat supporter refuses to, insults them, leaves.
If you're using Youtube and Twitter videos titled "DEMOLISHING UNHINGED Magatard/Libtard" that have the explicit purpose of being sensational to get clicks as your guide to American politics, your observations aren't worth anything.
Why do you only see conservative pundits going into Liberal universities to debate students? Because those Liberal students provide endless content due to the way they act.
Liberal universities? Can you name some "conservative universities", and what group of people are more likely to go to university? Which party would like to get rid of the education department and thinks that college is useless?
It's also just hackneyed content. 40 year old men going on college campuses to "debate" 19 year olds, with the intent of making them look stupid on the internet.
These exchanges aren't had in good faith, which is why you're not likely to see one. Why would you debate a random 19 year old walking to class on abortion? It's retarded.
I don't know how anyone in good faith can say republicans are the cause of the divisiveness when Trump has been shot at twice in 2 months. Trump isn't calling himself a fascist or Hitler making mentally ill people think he needs to be killed. They are.
Because you're clueless about American politics. You're using the same lazy arguments that Republicans always use, painting Trump as a victim, as if he hasn't been the voice that has significantly changed the tone and rhetoric in politics. As if people have these strong feelings for him for no reason.
Why do we hear more about Trump than any other president? Because Trump talks more than any other president. Constantly tweeting, constantly getting into some altercation with somebody.
Do we not see the very clear, logical progression there?
It's the same tired arguments where you people only look at the
predictable results and ignore EVERYTHING that
led up to the criticisms, shootings, and the warnings of Trump being a threat to democracy.
This guy tried to get his VP and others to steal the election for him, left wingers say "Hey, this guy's a threat to democracy!", and you people complain "Why are you calling him a threat to democracy? That's dangerous!" Uh, did you miss the attempted election theft?
So the logic here is that the left can't criticize Trump for his crazy words and actions because it could inspire crazy people to take shots at him.
I can't tell if this is some 4-D Chess trolling or people are really so dumb that they don't get how dumb this argument is.