ScarJo is married...

Under The Skin doesnt qualify? actually saved it for something good AND she let a sherdogger touch her...

no :(
post reduction, post prime
I'm surprised lauer didn't flash his cock to them

I would've done it.

I saw Matt in a bar on 46th street a long time ago. I told him that he needed to stop being so shy around women. I haven't seen the guy on tv much lately though. I dunno what happened to him
no :(
post reduction, post prime

I'm guessing the difference was getting into shape for the Marvel films and fashions moving to preffer a different part of the female anatomy.

As far as her being closeted goes on one level it would seem a bit strange for that to still case if she was but you could argue I spose hollywood is rather less progressive career wise than the films it makes, Ellen Pages dropping out of the limelight after coming out comes to mind.