Saying "Bless You' after someone sneezes.

This is at the far reaches of social expectation. It's a big world, people are different. Anyone bugged by unacknowledged snot flinging can go blow a goat.
I get annoyed when people say that to me when I sneeze, it's fucking retarded.
I don't say it but if someone says it to me ill say thanks.
I find it annoying, it's like a nervous twitch people have.
I'll say it sometimes even though I'm not Divine.
It is my god given right to tell smarmy atheists that God blesses their heathen asses. Them sneezing first just gives me a socially acceptable excuse.
I get annoyed when people say it to me.

Actually, that's not true. I'm not a neckbeard.
I say gesundheit, or salud if I know they speak/understand Spanish.