Saw Something Very Strange Today

I am trying not to exploit her. I cropped out her face in one of the pics. Just wanted to share what I saw.


It was very weird of her to do that, but at the same time very sad. There's some underlying reason for this
wow no one finds this funny........ now i feel like a dick

Maybe she was on some hard ass drugs or something :icon_conf
If you got better pictures, we could have had a 'shoop thread.

Step yo' creepshots game up
Wow. Uber-creepy...
Getting pretty weird there. She probably hated TS for having a family.
While I understand it's possible that she could have lost her children and this is a coping method... That still doesn't excuse the creepiness of it imo. Reading the OP gave me the chills. Two things that always freaked me out are dolls and people who don't understand basic social norms.
Funny, saw a woman wandering about kinda aimlessly with just a doll in her stroller. I sort of more thought she had misplaced her child and partner though.
The real question is whether she paid for the dolls admission or not? Perhaps, her children are cyborgs? Perhaps, she is a hollywood makeup artist who disguises her children as dolls to avoid paying their admission?

You should have tried to abduct one of them, because if they are just dolls you only would have been charged with misdemeanor theft. If they were cyborgs... honestly I am not sure what the penalty would have been. But if they had in fact been real children disguised as dolls, then there would have been one less nosy, presumptuous eavesdropper in public aquariums.
Also, I wonder if she got discounted childrens admission for the dolls... :eek:
The real question is whether she paid for the dolls admission or not? Perhaps, her children are cyborgs? Perhaps, she is a hollywood makeup artist who disguises her children as dolls to avoid paying their admission?

You should have tried to abduct one of them, because if they are just dolls you only would have been charged with misdemeanor theft. If they were cyborgs... honestly I am not sure what the penalty would have been. But if they had in fact been real children disguised as dolls, then there would have been one less nosy, presumptuous eavesdropper in public aquariums.

Hahah damn, beat me to it...
No. Its just local Albuquerque aquarium. Its was really small. Monterey,CA has a kick ass aquarium.

Oh , from the angle you took the pick from it just looked familiar , then again I've only ever been to the okinawa aquarium so they might look similar in pictures only to me
She didn't ever bother buying those ultra realistic baby dolls?

This is hilarious, yet very very creepy...
Poor woman. She probably wishes she had kids
TS U at the Texas State Aquarium in Corpus?