vAmPiRe[BOy] said:I would definitely recommend the Shaolin inst vids. He makes it easy to understand and explains it very well. The Cesar ones are good also but Shaolin's is perhaps one of the best i've seen
EddNg said:Shaolin's instructionals are broken into 3 DVD's. There's one for Gi, No-Gi and MMA. To be honest there are a few good techniques on the Shaolin DVD's but the detail of instruction on them is nothing compared to Saulo's.
S.D.Force said:that kind of cracks me up when people make DVD sets like this. There is no way you can even come close to doing an adequate job on a 3 DVD set when there is only one DVD for Gi, No gi, and MMA..... Saulo did 6 DVD's on NO gi only, and still, that doesn't even come close to covering all he knows about no gi. Saulo could probably do a 50 DVD set on No Gi grappling only, just to cover all he knows about it. If Shaolin is trying to fit techniques into one dvd, then there must not be very much on it. That is unless the techniques are revolutionary and groundbreaking.