Sarah Silverman’s :eek::eek::eek::eek:phile ‘skit’

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Red Belt
Sep 29, 2012
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To “normalize” is to make acceptable.
One way to normalize :eek::eek::eek::eek:philia is via so-called jokes and comedy sketches.
Hollywood’s demonrat denizens have been busy doing precisely that.
In a 2010 skit, “Creepy Van Guy,” on her Comedy Centralshow, unfunny comedienne Sarah Silverman — she who said “I want to eat an aborted fetus“, that Jesus is pro-abort, and “I hope the Jews did kill Christ. I’d do it again. I’d f*cking do it again” — told a kid to pee in her mouth, then asked another unfunny comedian, Patton Oswalt, if he’s attracted to children.
The skit begins with Sarah Silverman driving a black van with its windows blacked out. The interior of the van is a :eek::eek::eek::eek:phile’s dream, decorated to lure kids with candy, a TV set and a drum set. Inside are two young boys and a girl.

Here’s the dialogue in the skit:

Silverman to the little kids in her van: “If you’re having a good time, be sure to tell all your friends.”
Boy: “Hey, van lady. Can we pull over? I need to make pee-pee.”
Silverman: “Just go in my mouth.”

The scene then changes to Silverman walking up to Patton Oswalt at the driver’s seat of another black van.

Silverman: “Excuse me. I’m sorry, could I ask you a really crazy question?”
Oswalt: “Yeah, sure.”
Silverman: “Do you ever have weird thoughts about, um, children?”
Oswalt: “Jesus! Hey, I don’t know who you think you’re talking to, but I would never look at a child that way.”
Silverman: “I’m so sorry! I don’t know what’s wrong with me, I’ve been having these really strange….”
Oswalt interrupts her, “Oh, just just wait,” and with his right hand making the devil’s horns sign, leers at a teenage boy passing by: “Oh, my god, sign me up with that!”

The boy turns to look.
Oswalt grimaces: “Butter face, ugh. I gotta go.”

How is any of this funny?

Here's the skit:

Oswalt “joked” about :eek::eek::eek::eek:philia in a series of tweets:

“My dong is super-friendly and loves getting rubbed by children.”

“I am a PROUD :eek::eek::eek::eek:phile!”

“Let NAMBLA [North American Man/Boy Love Association] members fuck anyone they want. Am I so crazy wanting my kid to grow up in a safer world?”

“There’s a 35% chance I’d blow a Girl Scout for a sleeve of Thin Mints.”

Overreaction is a psychological defense mechanism and that the Left’s unhinged, deranged overreaction to President Trump suggests they have something to hide and are afraid of what Trump and his “deplorable” supporters may do to them if their dark deeds are exposed.

Patton Oswalt and Sarah Silverman are among the unhinged Trump-haters. Oswalt urged ISIS terrorists to attack Trump’s real estate properties around the world. For her part, Silverman had called for a military coup to overthrow President Trump.
I think most of us knew Silverman was mentally unstable well before this.
Wait for the supporters

In 3.....2......1......

“But it’s just a joke”

Fucking disgusting
Ya, I don’t get it.

I guess my biggest question about current culture is why jokes about blacks are off limits because their ancestors were effected horribly by slavery and Jim Crow, but jokes about :eek::eek::eek::eek:philia are cool when people all over the place have been horribly and directly effected. It seems ..... offensive and insensitive? But, actually this time instead of just a push for political favour.
Silverman needs to be locked up.

Not for the skit or her 'jokes'... but for being criminally unfunny.
To “normalize” is to make acceptable.
This too, is nothing new. People are simply in denial. First homosexuality not only became "normal,' but sometimes admired. The same with the trans thing, and now this, something they have wanted for some time.

Why? Who knows? But, over and over we see 'the elites,' men at high positions in business, entertainment and government engaged in what seems like never ending child abuse.

There's a great book written by former Senator, John DeCamp. He exposed a :eek::eek::eek::eek:philia ring inside a bank in Nebraska that led all the way to the White House.

You can't make this shit up:


Anyways, the APA and the Huffpo started this normalization process at least a few years ago:
Not All :eek::eek::eek::eek:philes Have Mental Disorder, American Psychiatric Association Says In New DSM
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this is the last taboo and it will fall...

I remember how people laughed at me when I said LGBQT, hollywood and homo marriage will soften values down to :eek::eek::eek::eek: acceptance.
Don't need to read all of that to know that Sarah Silverman is crap.

Best thing she ever did was the opening scene in Way of the Gun.
If Roseanne loses her career over a "racist" joke....

Also here's another from Silverman
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Silverman needs to be locked up.

Not for the skit or her 'jokes'... but for being criminally unfunny.

You stop it. You stop it right now. I challenge you to go to one of her live shows and not die laughing. Jesus is Magic was a great special.

Oh and TS
One way to normalize :eek::eek::eek::eek:philia is via so-called jokes and comedy sketches.

Oh shit, I guess we can't make rape jokes, death jokes, jokes about a national tragedy, terrorism, suicide or anything like that right?

The skit is based on gross out absurdity.
I do believe people who try to normalize this shit should be terminated with extreme haste.
You stop it. You stop it right now. I challenge you to go to one of her live shows and not die laughing. Jesus is Magic was a great special.

Oh and TS

Oh shit, I guess we can't make rape jokes, death jokes, jokes about a national tragedy, terrorism, suicide or anything like that right?

The skit is based on gross out absurdity.

Yeah sorry, shes not funny.

It's a pretty commonly held opinion.
Yeah sorry, shes not funny.

It's a pretty commonly held opinion.

Weird. She sells out theater after theater. So some people must find her funny.. it's like... comedy is... subjective?
Approximately 1 in 6 boys and 1 in 4 girls are sexually abused before the age of 18 and am guessing it's extremely higher numbers in many other countries. LOL?

I wanna see multiple jokes about shooting up a school. It's just a joke so it's ok.
Weird. She sells out theater after theater. So some people must find her funny.. it's like... comedy is... subjective?
Which is exactly why you freaking out on me for what I said is lulzy.

If selling out theaters is the basis for talent then Miley Cyrus and Justin Bieber are the greatest musical artists to have ever lived.

Better than AC/DC, better than Pink Floyd, better than Waylon Jennings, better than Tupac, better than Biggie, and better than many other based simply on selling out stadiums.
The only funny thing she's done in a long time was when she thought construction markings were swastikas.
edit: I removed my post, because without sources it's useless. Sources got censored by mods
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