Black Beast is an amazing name!Black Beast.
Black Beast is an amazing name!
Black Beast is great. Could easily reference himself or his third leg.Black Beast.
Conor stole his nickname from the rapper Biggie Smalls, just like Conor stole his tattoos and overall look from Josh Mario John.Notorious (sorry, couldn't resist)
haha, shes getting beat tf upThis is the ugliest most unskilled fight I've seen in a UFC octagon in awhile...pry since the CM punk fight. Moras is one of the best punching bags I've ever seen, pry has great reviews on amazon.
Im guessing you dont like conor then?Conor stole his nickname from the rapper Biggie Smalls, just like Conor stole his tattoos and overall look from Josh Mario John.
What are some of the worst nicknames you guys have heard of?
The corey anderson one is such a bad one <45>"Dirty Bird" "Beasten 25-8"