Sam Peter - W.Klitchko -> can Sam do it?

Klit hasn't lost in a long time, and Peters hasn't looked quite so dominant in a while either. Klit will power jab and smash that right hand and hug his was to a stoppage.
klitschko busted his chin in the first fight, jameel mccline? almost capitalized on it.

this time wlad takes him out early, before the 6th round.

When Wlad tagged Peter with that nasty left hook in the final round it changed Peter. I think before that shot he didn't think he could be hurt.

I'm actually gonna root for Peter because I think he seems to be a pretty humble and nice guy from what I have heard about him.
Say what you want about either brother, But this is something no one can deny. They'll fight everyone, And I love that about them.

I haven't seen Sam since his "Comeback" but He appears to be coming in lighter, That can only help him. I think Wlad beats him this time because he's improved so much since their first encounter but that's why they fight the fights.

I don't think Sam has improved but that power is there.

Vitali will fight everyone, wald typically has his brothers beat up the guys that give him trouble.

Last I checked corrie sanders > wald; and he still hasn't done anything about it.