International Russia/Ukraine Megathread V15

I accept your second concession, let me know when you want to respond to any of my statements or questions.

Your coward logic:

"Ukraine doesn't conscript women but it happily sends them to die in the trenches while giving a pass to the rich kid chads of Kiev living their best lives in the nightclubs."

Nazi Germany suffered 10M losses in WWII without sending a single woman to the frontlines.

Ukraine is sending women to die and haven't even suffered 1M casualties.

Gutless Cowards. What does that say about clowns like you who support this?
Whos the retard who came up with the rule that you cant hit inside russia and why did it take 2 years to remove the rule like come on.

I'd like to know this as well. Not about who's dumb rule it was but why it was in place and why remove it now? All I can think is they preferred to slowly escalate things.
If that is the case....... why didn't Russia Invade in 2014??

Keep in mind you are being asked this by someone that served 3 tours of Operation Atlantic Resolve from 2015 to 2016. Good luck !!!

Minsk accords.They did this because their previous policy failed and the Russians got the impression Ukraine was stalling for time and had no intention of honoring the agreement.

And they did invade just Crimea which is frankly more important to Russia than the Donbass because its the home of the Black Seas fleet.
Your coward logic:

"Ukraine doesn't conscript women but it happily sends them to die in the trenches while giving a pass to the rich kid chads of Kiev living their best lives in the nightclubs."

Nazi Germany suffered 10M losses in WWII without sending a single woman to the frontlines.

Ukraine is sending women to die and haven't even suffered 1M casualties.

Gutless Cowards. What does that say about clowns like you who support this?
You want to repeat that again? I don't think we heard that the first time.

Can you define the word volunteer?
This is hilarious an to think this sub was sold like the hypersonic cruise missile as being unstoppable an untouchable. No they just have to worry about it sinking lol.


A Russian submarine that just left Cuba appears to be 'falling apart' with its soundproofing panels falling off, analyst says"​

You want to repeat that again? I don't think we heard that the first time.

Can you define the word volunteer?

Funny how 2 years ago clowns like you were saying Russia was going to lose this war. Ukraine is doing so well they're sending women to get blown up by Russian artillery and clowns like you are still singing the same songs of copium. 🤡

Can you define the word coward?
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If you think it's in Ukrainian's interest to become Russian fief again you're fucking retarded. Just look at every single former Russian state in the region. Compare the quality of life and GDP to Russia itself, let alone the sorry state the Russians left Ukraine in after they left.

You're completely ignorant and subverted by foreign propaganda.
The alternative, being dead and the country destroyed, is better? They should probably be trying to negotiate a peace deal on as favorable terms as possible but Zelensky is a Western operative and isn't going to let that happen.
Would a UKR immediate surrender be the best for everyone involved?
It would probably be best for the average Ukrainian at this point. Everyone who wanted to fight has either been on the front for two years or is dead or disabled at this point. The country is fighting an impossible battle and is forcing those who don't want to fight, including women now too.

If the majority of those who are fighting age don't want to fight, then the country doesn't want to fight. So why is Zelensky and the Ukrainian government forcing this? Who is this benefitting? Even if Ukraine somehow won this war, the country is going to be in ruins, hundreds of thousands if not millions will be dead, and the country will be in debt to the West to top it off. They're absolutely fucked. And there will be no guarantee they wouldn't be invaded again in the future.
It would probably be best for the average Ukrainian at this point. Everyone who wanted to fight has either been on the front for two years or is dead or disabled at this point. The country is fighting an impossible battle and is forcing those who don't want to fight, including women now too.

If the majority of those who are fighting age don't want to fight, then the country doesn't want to fight. So why is Zelensky and the Ukrainian government forcing this? Who is this benefitting? Even if Ukraine somehow won this war, the country is going to be in ruins, hundreds of thousands if not millions will be dead, and the country will be in debt to the West to top it off. They're absolutely fucked. And there will be no guarantee they wouldn't be invaded again in the future.
Hey bro be careful making such observations, you might be accused of being a "Russian operative"

I noted a few weeks ago in this thread how Russia's supporters are becoming ever more angry in their rhetoric, dropping their more subtle attempts at sowing division, and it's even more true now. They've come to realize that not even Trump being elected is going to save their bacon. Ukraine is an open wound that's going to bleed them dry.
It would probably be best for the average Ukrainian at this point. Everyone who wanted to fight has either been on the front for two years or is dead or disabled at this point. The country is fighting an impossible battle and is forcing those who don't want to fight, including women now too.

If the majority of those who are fighting age don't want to fight, then the country doesn't want to fight. So why is Zelensky and the Ukrainian government forcing this? Who is this benefitting? Even if Ukraine somehow won this war, the country is going to be in ruins, hundreds of thousands if not millions will be dead, and the country will be in debt to the West to top it off. They're absolutely fucked. And there will be no guarantee they wouldn't be invaded again in the future.

Because the country has been invaded, seems pretty simple to me.

Why is Russia forcing this?

That's a question only one deranged nutcase can answer.
It would probably be best for the average Ukrainian at this point. Everyone who wanted to fight has either been on the front for two years or is dead or disabled at this point. The country is fighting an impossible battle and is forcing those who don't want to fight, including women now too.

If the majority of those who are fighting age don't want to fight, then the country doesn't want to fight. So why is Zelensky and the Ukrainian government forcing this? Who is this benefitting? Even if Ukraine somehow won this war, the country is going to be in ruins, hundreds of thousands if not millions will be dead, and the country will be in debt to the West to top it off. They're absolutely fucked. And there will be no guarantee they wouldn't be invaded again in the future.

Typical Russian shill nonsense....totally never mentioned a word of whats happening inside Russia and the Russian people as if it's all peaches and puppies there. When this is over I can guarantee Russia will be fucked long term while most of the civil world is on UKR's can ignore hat all you want. Russia is going to collapse sooner then later.
I noted a few weeks ago in this thread how Russia's supporters are becoming ever more angry in their rhetoric, dropping their more subtle attempts at sowing division, and it's even more true now. They've come to realize that not even Trump being elected is going to save their bacon. Ukraine is an open wound that's going to bleed them dry.
Yep, they dont see the big picture, they thought aid would dry up and the west would walk away and a peace negotiation would be had like North and South Korea. Reality however is much different.
2 years of "Russia is going to lose"

2 years of "Russian economy will crumble"

2 years of the "counter offensive is coming"

2 years of "F16s"

The result:

Ukraine sending women to the frontlines while the chads of Kiev are driving BMW M4s to the night club.

Nazi Germany had 10M casualties in WW2 and didn't send women to the front lines.


Anyone who supports sending blank checks to these clowns is a straight up chump.

Keep sending your tax dollars to CIA neocons who are abusing Ukrainian patriotism to fignt their proxy war.

Nice to see the cope is still so strong in here. Keep it going guys.

Your post is idiotic. This dumb ukraine yet doesn't know what stuff is wartime economy, not alone wartime mobilisation. Including, boy , it isn't just for frontline. It is also orders to do essential jobs.

Ukraine doesn't mobilize females and guys younger than 25 y.o .

And yes, comrade, some females are volunteering and younger lads too.

Do you know about females and teenagers who opted to fight vs Hitler?
Frontline snipers and partisans....teens and females?
Mainly their motivation was cos some from their family had been killed by enemy.

You worship Soviet Union and maybe want to volunteer for special operation and put your ass in virtual reality....of course.
Why I'm calling St Pete as Leningrad?
I knew some ppl who as youngsters * girls and teen guys had to experience war Leningrad....

It is nice to troll in internet and love your matuska from distance in puffy cubicle....sure.
Yea, Ukraine has such "manpower" that they're sending women to the frontlines and the average age of their military is currently above 40 🤡

Nazi Germany suffered 10M in casualties during WWII and didn't send a single woman to the frontlines. It's not hard to see Ukraine is a failed state and rotting from corruption.

The western powers are abusing their patriotism and using Ukraine as a cheap prostitute. It's sad.

Imagine being 2 years into this saga and still not understanding what this is about. Hint: it has nothing to do with defending democracy.

It's amazing how clowns in this thread still have the guts to keep posting on this subject after the predictions they've made in the last 2 years.


One prostitute I see here is you.
Earning for a living by posting in internet.
Please, volunteer to serve for your Matushka in small special operation. Grow pair of balls and don't be p****** .....

You ofc better had been happy to see mobilozed ukraonian meat used against europe....yes comrade. They does have nice experience to be used meat. You comrade don't have balls to volunteer to fight for your Russia.. .

And don't send me to fight in Ukraine ...I don't have Ukr blood lineage or citizenship.
I might had applied for russian citizenship, however opted not to do this.
Congratulations comrade... ....yell more here.