International Russia/Ukraine Megathread V15

Quatar does have a lot of nice sales deals with europe....really very lucrative long term deals. MBS too.

While MBS most likely had managed OPEC to cut off production quotas....MBS is Death Prince ruling OPEC de Facto.
Putin had reduced crude oil production most likely cos pressure from OPEC and refined products export cos he needs a lot of fuel for small special operation in Ukraine...this was even before refineries get hit!

Lukashenko and Kim repeated mantra that sanctions doesn't work and Lukashenko expressed hope that Putin will increase friendship levels with North Korea and Iran. According to Lukashenko opinions for new world order deep partnership with North Korea and Iran is funamental necessity.
Surprisingly cheap.

That's a good article.

One of the very few I've seen that talks about Ukraine's under the table artillery munition numbers which are pretty substantial.

I was hopeful about the Czech initiative until I found out it had delivered almost 1.5 million shells before being made public.

That's more than Europe delivered in the same time frame.

Lots of shells arriving through back channels in secret, not surprisingly they wound up bidding against each other. Very different artillery numbers than you hear from the MSM though.
Russia did try to invade in 2014 they just were stopped and didn't prepare for any sort of resistance from Ukraine. There was a lot of glossing over that original conflict and there seems to be a popular narrative that it was just some peaceful capture of Crimea..

But the reality is Russia tried to push for Odessa as well but got the shit kicked out of them and suffered over 10k casualties.
Russia didn't go full bore like they are now though. I guess I should have specified. My bad.
Tbh Europe should not deplete their stockpiles, also in ukranian interest if we consider long run rather than short time needs

Reality is even considering current situation bit of def increase is inevitable to wich extent is the question, since lot euro don't consider (and they're probably right) Russia a direct threat to their own nation

All depend how war will evolve and how long will last (in case we have YEARS of it ahead), euros increasing defense budget and reinforcing themselves keep alive the question if they would upgrade level of alliance/support to Ukraine and in that case how effective they would be

Because realistically russian push is also related to win as much they can without level-up to avoid western side level-up their support too, so a stronger (specially in the sense of well equipped) europe help to keep Putin more hesitant
We will continue increase def budgets ....
And one nuance is that weapons manufacturers does want long term contracts.
For example if one production line with capacity 3000 shells for month should be installed, business is asking for 10 -15 year supply these 3000 shells each month.
This is easy to understand because to get permit to launch production line takes time and business should hire perssonel and weapons industry employees should have background check ...not like to hire cleaner in supermarket. Background check is even longer and more scrupulous than for these applying for CCW permit....because there is high risk about possible info leakage and sabotage ..........
So not only databases are checked ...that is simple and quick process doable in 1 day if permit is issued.
Also usually cross checking and repeated cross checking is done....
More than this, potentital employee is signing permit to collect additional information about his life.
For example permit for security police to contact with your family members and relatives, neighbours, former colleques you had worked with, classmates, ppl you had lived together with in one apartment / flat, dormitory etc.
Also to contact with teachers you had etc.
I once had to see such paper....
Jesus...they told that in best case such backround check might be done in 2 months....

If compare with CCW permit where they need to check databases and you need to have batch with papers + they just will send inspector to check do you have safe for your handgun and is this suitable and does locks works or NO.
Russia didn't go full bore like they are now though. I guess I should have specified. My bad.

I just recently read wagner book that touched this issue actually.Book says russia relied on separatists to take east and southeast parts of ukr and that odessa/harkov would have come to rus fairly easily, figured seps could push ukr military

(During mobile phase of donbas conflict situation on ground was chaotic since separatists leaders were killing each other in game of power and some were being killed by russia and ukrainian military was not same as now)

Basically it was a political mistake from rus top brass, book says ukr 2014 would probably not have been able to stop invasion like in 22

But this is just authors opinions lol
More long range drone strikes. Some yesterday as well but couldn't find out whether they were successful so didn't post.
I just recently read wagner book that touched this issue actually.Book says russia relied on separatists to take east and southeast parts of ukr and that odessa/harkov would have come to rus fairly easily, figured seps could push ukr military

(During mobile phase of donbas conflict situation on ground was chaotic since separatists leaders were killing each other in game of power and some were being killed by russia and ukrainian military was not same as now)

Basically it was a political mistake from rus top brass, book says ukr 2014 would probably not have been able to stop invasion like in 22

But this is just authors opinions lol
Due to very impressive stockpiles of different mines both sides had 8 years to install and huge efforts invested by Kremlin's financed " separatists " in fortifications and weapons production stockpiles from U SSR era + Ukr idiotism. add laughable supplies from west february - march 2022 th plus generous supplies from Russia?
It had been assumed that Russia might easily get control im Luhansk and Donetsk oblastj in 1-2 months. And sorry for reality vs russian shit propaganda ...Ukraine in reality had deMilitarized 30 years in row despite loud talks.

So comrades, let take sheep to slaughterhouse. Even Zelensky is parially responsible and AFU despite loud PR during his tenure before invasion ....didn't came stronger de facto......only in loud talks from Abdirstovich and Huelensky....
Avdiivka and Donetsk...
Fortificiations for both sides mainly done by using USSR era infrastructure and mines plus nice IEDs...

Now clowns from Russia yelling about fighting vs all bad Satan in Global Enemy called Satan in West....while mainly only gliding bombs helped matushka to take this hole...
And yelling about Donestsk shelling is most idiotic russians propaganda.
Distance between Avdiivka and Donetsk is enough small that ... even withtout aviation both sides had technical abilities to turn opponent's side city into Dresden 1945 th No 2 by using just arty and MRLS from USSR era...
In 1 week.
Russia didn't go full bore like they are now though. I guess I should have specified. My bad.

No sure, it's just something the Kremlin doesn't like being talked about. They didn't go all out, they went in even less prepared than this time and it cost them.

It's one of reasons you see a lot of propaganda about the Azov brigades, they were responsible for stopping Russia's march to Odessa and they fucking hate their guts.
Surprisingly cheap.

That's a good article.

One of the very few I've seen that talks about Ukraine's under the table artillery munition numbers which are pretty substantial.

I was hopeful about the Czech initiative until I found out it had delivered almost 1.5 million shells before being made public.

That's more than Europe delivered in the same time frame.

Lots of shells arriving through back channels in secret, not surprisingly they wound up bidding against each other. Very different artillery numbers than you hear from the MSM though.
I mean it seems pretty obvious since the start, no one is going to be releasing line by line the inventories provided to Ukraine.

This is info that would be useful to the Russian war effort. I would assume whatever the media is reporting is just always going to be wrong. Some scrap of info coming from some guy who probably doesn't really know what's going on at the highest levels anyway.

This is real war stuff and it's going to be kept very secret until it explodes in front of a Russian.
great post, full of insight and thoughtful debate. what was your old banned account btw?

2 years of "Russia is going to lose"

2 years of "Russian economy will crumble"

2 years of the "counter offensive is coming"

2 years of "F16s"

The result:

Ukraine sending women to the frontlines while the chads of Kiev are driving BMW M4s to the night club.

Nazi Germany had 10M casualties in WW2 and didn't send women to the front lines.


Anyone who supports sending blank checks to these clowns is a straight up chump.

Keep sending your tax dollars to CIA neocons who are abusing Ukrainian patriotism to fignt their proxy war.

Nice to see the cope is still so strong in here. Keep it going guys.
2 years of "Russia is going to lose"

2 years of "Russian economy will crumble"

2 years of the "counter offensive is coming"

2 years of "F16s"

The result:

Ukraine sending women to the frontlines while the chads of Kiev are driving BMW M4s to the night club.

Nazi Germany had 10M casualties in WW2 and didn't send women to the front lines.


Anyone who supports sending blank checks to these clowns is a straight up chump.

Keep sending your tax dollars to CIA neocons who are abusing Ukrainian patriotism to fignt their proxy war.

Nice to see the cope is still so strong in here. Keep it going guys.

Spoken like a true Russian operative.