Rumor...Former HipHop One Hit Wonder Sisqo considering joining MMA

Walking out to "Let me see that thong," Sisqo would get many victories via his opponents forfeiting. But he would never be able to defeat is Dennis Hallman.

Dennis Ballman...want to see my schlong!!!
I KNOW YOU DONT REALLY WANNA (unleash the dragon)
Who knew Sherdog loved Sisqo and Dru Hill as much as I did lol.

Finally, a guy BJ Penn can beat
Put some Respek on his name

Sisqo is like MC Hammer. He crushed forever, but he had one song so big people think he's a one hit wonder.

The single he released after Thong Song actually went higher on the Billboard charts. As in #1.


The only thing similar to Hammer was they both danced and wore some flashy getups. Hammer was a certified OG from coast to coast. sisqo was a certified fun boy.
Please don't take me back to 2000.. Not that I remember much of it being as how I was mostly drunk and stoned that year, but Sisqo was definitely one of the low points of that time.