Roy Nelson & King Mo talk about their love for McDonalds


I don't like McFatty's.

I prefer Five Guys, BK, Carl's Jr./Hardee's, Wendy's, and Chic Fil A.

What I don't understand about five guys is it taste just like a home made burger. Why would I go pay 6$ on a burger that taste just like something i could make at home at only a fraction of the cost.
i dunno man... compared to a good burger restaurant mcdonalds, bk and all the other fastfood chains taste like shit. i only eat that stuff when i'm getting out of a club on the weekend and nothing else has opened plus i'm to drunk to care at that point lol
Cracked me up when he said 'i don't eat it much, just once or twice a week'

Mo has it right. Sweet and sour sauce with nuggets.
I love a Big Mac every once in awhile.

I think King Mo holds up a Quest protein bar - a little off topic, but the nutritional value the manufacturer claims on these protein bars is wrong. Most of them say net carbs of 6 grams, but they are really around 26 grams (if anyone cares). I know some guys need to be exact with their diet when cutting weight etc.

How do they get away with claiming only 6 then?
What I don't understand about five guys is it taste just like a home made burger. Why would I go pay 6$ on a burger that taste just like something i could make at home at only a fraction of the cost.

So you don't have to go to the store, buy the ingredients, go home, and make the shit yourself, genius.
After eating some kebabs in europe I wonder how pizza and hamburgers still dominate
Ya'll should try a McGangBang . A junior chicken sandwich put between a double cheese burger.
Taste fucking good.
Well that explains Mo's crown.

Oh wait, that's BK, nvm.

Name two places better than IN and Out my man, and we're talking Chains....i.e. not some burger joint that has two locations in the state.

War Fast Food!!!

In N' Out has trashy fries that taste like raw potato. If I wasn't so Irish I'd have thrown them up the first time I ate them out of spite.

Smashburger and Fatburger would fuck them up. If you don't have the option to put an egg on your burger or have a wall of photos of people attempting to eat your most monstrous creation, you ain't shit.

I'd take In N' Out over McDonald's, only because I'm halfway sure there's horsemeat somewhere in the McNuggets. And not the good kind.
Shawarma's are P4P GOAT

Goddamn right. You can get Shawarma in any big city in the USA though. Just find a greek/middle eastern joint. Thing is americans don't like to try new things.
Jon Jones and JDS, sponsored by Nike.

Rampage Jackson, sponsored by Reebok.

Roy Nelson, sponsored by McDonald's.
What I'm saying is there are better burgers out there.

That's not what you said. You asked why anybody would pay for a McDonald's burger when they could just make a burger at home. Why would anyone ever eat out, when they could just cook and clean dishes themselves?