Ronda Rousey WWE "Action"... Thoughts?


#FreeLeeMurray Belt
Jan 11, 2010
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So I've basically been living under a rock when it comes to WWE since 2001, but I was aware that she had signed with Vince.

I saw that she was featuring in an upcoming events... So I figured just for fun I'd take a look at how things are these days. This is what I found:

Ronda comes out to "Bad Reputation"
Roddy Piper writing
She looks OK. Dressed in all black. Lots of make up.
Good-guy entrance, fan friendly high fives.
Receives great reception
She is cut off as she starts talking
Some giant chick interrupts her
There is uber cheesy shit talking
The big chick advances
They do some weird Tai Chi shit
They do a very choreographed slam
Match over
Crowd go nuts
Ronda grins

I was like


A few things here - first of all, it was good to have a reminder on why I don't watch wrestling anymore... second of all, I had no idea that things had gotten quite so cheesy or sterilised since the thumbtack and steel chair days... Then there's how laboured it all seems... I can't remember cringing quite so hard at something for a long time.

As far as Ronda goes, if she wants to make her paper then good for her - I'm not hating... Just thought the sherbros might like to see where she's at these days.

Seems happier anyway.

not to hate but theres a ronda thread every three minutes or so. i dont follow wrestling at all but feel like i know all about rondas wwe career through tidbits of sherdog mma forums. i should probably stop clicking on these.
My prediction: she will be a worse pro wrestler than mixed martial artist.

She fucking sucks on the mic and so far she looks stiff with the few things she has done.

She won't work as a face to me... She needs to turn on Angle at Mania and join HHh and Steph and/or have Paul Heyman as her mouthpiece since I imagine Brock is done after Mania.
Misread title and thought this was a thread about Ronda WWE Action Figure. Would only be authentic if the packaging included a purple pillow and Frappuccinos accessories
On the mic she has rough timing and speaks in too long of sentences for the crowd (yeah I know)
On the mic she has rough timing and speaks in too long of sentences for the crowd (yeah I know)

Speaking in sentences is too long for WWE audience.
Sherdog is like Ronda's bitter ex-boyfriend, who claims to not care about her, but obsessively drives past her house everyday to make sure another dude's car isn't in her driveway
There is only one thing I’ll ever watch Ronda in ever again and it’s not WWE, of UFC <Baelish01>
My prediction: she will be a worse pro wrestler than mixed martial artist.

She fucking sucks on the mic and so far she looks stiff with the few things she has done.

She won't work as a face to me... She needs to turn on Angle at Mania and join HHh and Steph and/or have Paul Heyman as her mouthpiece since I imagine Brock is done after Mania.
I saw clips of her on YouTube and she is awful. Stiff, zero charisma and bad timing on the mic. She'll be in Bellator within 2 years
I saw clips of her on YouTube and she is awful. Stiff, zero charisma and bad timing on the mic. She'll be in Bellator within 2 years
The fans are not gonna stay behind her. She has the bitch look down.... Just be a heel and get someone who can talk as your manager.
in before "she's a terrible pro wrestler, can't believe they signed her, they're gonna hate her within 2 months, she can't act for shit, zero charisma on the mic oh and by the way I totally don't watch WWE"

A few things here - first of all, it was good to have a reminder on why I don't watch wrestling anymore... second of all, I had no idea that things had gotten quite so cheesy or sterilised since the thumbtack and steel chair days... Then there's how laboured it all seems... I can't remember cringing quite so hard at something for a long time.

As far as Ronda goes, if she wants to make her paper then good for her - I'm not hating... Just thought the sherbros might like to see where she's at these days.

Seems happier anyway.

I'm with you dude. I switched off in 2004, and recently tried to watch a few shows but its unbearable, cringe city, just awful and rondas segments are extra bad. Basically unwatchable, vince must have gone senile.
Travis Browne should be booked as the new Kane, is Kane still around? He was there when I was a kid, he must be 60 years old by now, time to resurrect the character.
Travis Browne should be booked as the new Kane, is Kane still around? He was there when I was a kid, he must be 60 years old by now, time to resurrect the character.
He's still there, unfortunately. He is 50 and has been with WWF/E since 1995.
She really is embarrassing in her mic work. I was watching a clip and she brutally fucked up a very simple line she had. She asked her opponent if she was right or left handed, opponent answers, then Ronda is supposed to say "good, you can still sign my checks after I rip the other one off" or something like that, but she butchered the line and had to redo it. WWE are figuring out what Hollywood figured out years ago: she can't act and she doesn't have any charisma.

I imagine they'll run her Wrestlemania match like they did with Mr. T and Hulk Hogan at Wrestlemania 1, where Mr. T hit some amateur wrestling spots on Roddy Piper and Hogan did all the work.

If they have Ronda take a move and she has to sell it and pretend to be hurt, it's going to be really cringey.
Ive watched some of the ronda shit. Nice to be reminded how conor got famous