Ronda Rousey Reddit Ask Me Anything

I am exicted. She is going to do JRE really soon? Joe will grill her about the Cyborg fight.
lol.. OP got wet when his gf messaged him.
Yeah. They go crazy over celebs acting quirky and relatable.

But even Jennifer Lawrence and Chris Pratt didn't get this much love.

Ya I bet.

Well they can still probably relate more to Ronda since she seems to be a much bigger documented dork than them.

Her probably being a former Pokemon forum mod helps a ton.
What are you gonna do the first time you say you can beat so and so male, and he says "okay, let's do it! Let's fight?"
Why do you have Parma Hams for calves?


like theyre literally showing her artwork theyve done of her. and jizzing over themselves because she makes an esoteric video game reference only nerds would know. god its bad.

Well, we've been through growing pains in the sport before. Pride takeover was groundbreaking, we survived TUF noobs prior to that. Maybe Reddit esoterica fans will be just as, um, exciting? a blip in the overall timeline of our still quite young sport/promotion
Ask her why she's afraid to fight Cyborg at 145.
Ask her "Is it true what Brendan Schaub said about you"
Ask her if she has already beaten up Mike Tyson.