Ronda Rousey inducted ISHOF

I will always remember her in my heart just like this...


Ronda will be a memeber of the International Sports Hall Of Fame

Dang... I'm starting to like my chances of getting in.
Played high school football: Freshman through Junior year. Road the bench most of the time.... but I was good at starting fist fights on the field.

I also once punched a volleyball into the basketball hoop in the gym.
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Bow down to Queen Ronda you worthless worms!!!
Don't know why, but this is what popped into my head when her name was mentioned. The shadowboxing gif was already posted.
The picture you posted looks like she just left the place. You can see syrup stains on her pants.
Ronda threads in 2018...

I thought this was the International Shooping Hall of Fame

Her induction there is long overdue
I will always remember her in my heart just like this...


man i mean, even without the ronda hate, look how ronda is clumsily getting up and the entire time holly is thinking "this is my chance, i'm gonna blast her in the fucking head, lay that bitch out", its so predatory, so opportunistic, it's perfect

all this works with the ronda hate as well of course
Dropping world boxing champs in practice with body shots.


LEAKED the outfit she´ll be wearing to such a special occasion
