Ronda Rousey Admits She Considered Suicide After Loss

did you really think you would be the first one to post about this?
She is batshit crazy and this thread has been done already.
Edit. Too many threads, this one will be deleted soon.
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Im all for a good ronda bashing, but even for me one thread is enough to talk about her suicidal feelings.
thread has done been run and the last one turned into basically a joke.
First she lost Schaub and got KTFO rough times
Sounds rough being on top of the world then getting knocked down like not off the top of the world but close. I wish I had her problems.
Her life went from 1000 miles an hour to almost a complete stop. That like hitting a brick wall..
Can someone post the shoop of Ronda and Travis in the airport, but both have Travis's head/face?
anything for attention

oh please ronda don't think of it. everyone loses blah blah blah...incoming texts from mike tyson and kobe bryant etc. Trump and gaga or the only celebs not to fall for this
Nightcrawler says that would have been a great story.

I'm glad she didn't.
Big deal, i consider suicide almost daily after i eat too many McNuggies, you don't see me getting applause. Also babies are shit.
did you really think you would be the first one to post about this?
Oh no one of these types it it's double posted or doesn't meet your criteria as a 'good post' you have to knock it.

I'm reposting this thread just to piss u off
This is the first I've heard of her being suicidal after her loss. Dang! How hyped on yourself do you have to be, when you consider offing yourself after your first loss in a sport?!?!

Welcome to reality Honda...
There are people who live in poverty and watch their loved ones die, people who live every day without the use of their limbs or with other serious conditions.

Sounds like she could use some character and mental strength.
This made me lose a lot of respect for her. So this is what happens when over-privileged blondes finally have to face some adversity?