Ronda gets angry and meltsdown everytime asked about Cyborg

Gets popped fighting a girl with no chance...confident in herself. Cool story bro.

This is a point that gets too little play. It's not just that Cyborg juices, it's that she got caught juicing (and coming in over weight, if I'm not mistaken) against a can who would have been undersized at 125. Not only does that speak to a level of insecurity, it also implies that she was probably always juicing.
scared ronda is scared

Cyborg's steroid weight is 145. I think that is a fact. Her non-steriod weight would be less, like it would be for everyone. Rousey's non-steroid weight is about 135. About the same as I would think Cyborg's would be. S
You must be retarded.

"steroids" is not an's a FACT. It is a cold, hard FACT that Cyborg is a confirmed cheater, and that every win on her record pretty much deserves the ol' baseball asterisk treatment because of it.

you must be retarded.

Zuffa has randomly tested Cyborg 4 times in her last fight. Blood and urine.
And will continue to do so every time Cyborg fights again.

To try using this excuse over and over again, just shows you have no excuse at all.
Cyborg smiles everytime and jokes about Ronda, because she secure with herself....
Yeah, that's why she puts on 5 more lbs of muscle every two weeks to make sure she can never make 135 and get mauled by the Honda.
Because she's secure.
Shes a pro. You guys are basment wankers.
Another troll. How original.
She would fight Brian Carraway anytime, anywhere, but shes scared of Cyborg.

Cyborg > Carraway
Another troll. How original.

Another shit talking thread title with no chance of backing it up inside of the thread is a classic favorite tactic here. The wannabe-trolls see an easy way to jack eachother off while raising their post counts.
post the link to her having a meltdown.
Yea but she has been testing clean lately....she made a mistake and now Ronda has her excuse to not fight her at 145, a weight she fought at and would've fought Carano....

What you posit is completely possible, but it is not the most plausible scenario. Perhaps Cyborg has put on thirty pounds of muscle the hard way, and only one time used something to get a little edge. But it is unlikely.
As much as I want it to happen, having a cheater walking around saying their better than you is ridiculous.
Last night's interview with Helwani on Fox and post fight conference prior events....

She gets so mad, her face turns hella red....

Hella red? What are you 12?

Ok, now I get it. The TS is a 12 year old, who is actually insecure in knowing that a woman would whip his ass.

Your Xbox is waiting for you. Oh, and don't forget your bowl of cheesy puffs and Mountain Dew.
Hella red? What are you 12?

Ok, now I get it. The TS is a 12 year old, who is actually insecure in knowing that a woman would whip his ass.

Your Xbox is waiting for you. Oh, and don't forget your bowl of cheesy puffs and Mountain Dew.
Meltdown like Ronda