Romulo Barral no-arm triangle at worlds video

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Someone get it up and relink it :icon_conf
thats not just any black belt tapping out, thats bernardo faria. I guarantee if he tapped to that it was a VERY legit choke lol.

I do think you have to have kind of skinny legs though to complete the choke.

Bernado Faria is a bad ass. He won the pan ams this year and I think the absolute too. I think he also won his weight division at the worlds beating Xande in the finals.

Maybe there is more to this technique if someone like Faria is being caught with it. To be honest I am still having a hard time picturing what this technique actually is. I've been using this technique for months and tap out every1 with it I learned it here I've been using this technique for months and tap out every1 with it I learned it here

Someone already posted that, its not the same thing as rominho did, i know people arent going to believe me that theres another way to do it, so hopefully in the future he will show it in his dvd or an instructional
lol @ the ending

"Screw the arm I'm taking the whole thing with me"
Hey, @ 2:33 and in a few spots what is that choke? Cross collar choke?
I like how at the end he picks the guy up and starts walking away with him.
Someone that has the 2010 worlds dvd, upload Romulo's fight were he no arm triangles Faria to Youtube or something..

Thanks in advance
just watched it from the camera angle you can't see/tell what he does :( but you do hear draculino going nuts
Well if we are trying to break it down from the video (even though we can't see his left hand) it appears that there are a couple of additional differences in technique from a regular triangle.

1 Romulo never shrimps/scoots toward his right but stays facing straght on to his opponent
2 Romulo doesn't cinch his right shin ALL the way behind the left knee so it is a little more like a grapevine than a figure 4 of the leg.
The combination of 1 and 2 allows Romulo to put pressure from his right thigh (just above his knee) into opponents neck.
3 Not sure if it is critical but Romulo rolls toward his left side just before the tap. my guess is, this, combined with whatever Romulo is doing with the left arm increases the pressure on opponents neck on that side.

4. If Romulo's left arm isn't inside the collar where is it and what is it doing? I Can't see squat in the video but after the tap when Romulo releases his grips and legs, you can see his left arm retract. This looks like Romulo was pulling hard with his left arm and was holding something with his left hand and when he released the grip with the left hand the left arm pulled back momentarily. This indicates he is not using his left arm to push his left leg into the opponent's neck but is pulling on something. My guess is he is pulling on the opponent's sleeve, trying to drive the opponent's own upper arm/shoulder into the outside of his left knee. This also prevents the opponent from using that arm to try and push out of the triangle.
Someone upload the fight from the dvd!