Rogan calls out biased 207 Rousey Nunes promos

really does look like the fix is in...

The ref and judges will all have been briefed and locker room bonussed to steer the result in the 'right' direction. Nunes can't afford to leave this to the judges, or to get even slightly wobbled or take more than 2 gnp strikes in a row. She also will have to get a sub, or put a monumental beating on Rousey to finally get the ref to stop it. But I'm confident she can do that.
Who is buying the card to watch Nunes? The UFC is about making money. People are interested in Ronda's mindset going into this fight. I think the promo they've been running featuring Ronda is brilliant. It brings up all the things people have been saying for over a year and smashes them into pieces.

Nunes will get all the hype she wants if she beats Ronda, just like Holly did. I don't think Nunes will care who was hyped more when she cashes the fat paycheck loaded with ppv points that Ronda made possible. Win or lose, Nunes's bum life is about to change.
why waste time on nunes? she's not winning it and no amount of promotion will make people care about her in this fight, this is about ronda's return

The UFC doesn't like to promote conventionally unnattractive Brazilians with f*cked up English and stable personalities. It likes to promote blonde, attractive all-American types with big mouths.Travis Browne's gf is not 100% ideal, but she's a much better promotional vehicle than the Lioness.
I cannot wait till they get rid of him finally

He is entirely full of shit
Maybe her real struggle is with her personality disorder.

You of all people shouldn't be commenting on anyone's mental health issues. I'm not jokingly in the least when I say you need to get help.
The ref and judges will all have been briefed and locker room bonussed to steer the result in the 'right' direction. Nunes can't afford to leave this to the judges, or to get even slightly wobbled or take more than 2 gnp strikes in a row. She also will have to get a sub, or put a monumental beating on Rousey to finally get the ref to stop it. But I'm confident she can do that.

Are you retarded? You're actually contemplating this fight going to the judges?

This fight is going to end with someone going unconscious or tapping out and admitting defeat.
The ref and judges will all have been briefed and locker room bonussed to steer the result in the 'right' direction. Nunes can't afford to leave this to the judges, or to get even slightly wobbled or take more than 2 gnp strikes in a row. She also will have to get a sub, or put a monumental beating on Rousey to finally get the ref to stop it. But I'm confident she can do that.
after seeing that 207 promo with no mention of nunes, the champion, I think nunes will be taking a dive. nunes will pull an alverez
Nunes will get all the hype she wants if she beats Ronda, just like Holly did. I don't think Nunes will care who was hyped more when she cashes the fat paycheck loaded with ppv points that Ronda made possible. Win or lose, Nunes's bum life is about to change.

If Nunes wins, Ronda becomes a bum. A bum without a film career.
WWE will still take her though. So she can sell tickets with her mean mugging bum skills.
He's right on the money, especially with how he detailed it. Ronda got smoked by a girl who got smoked by a girl who then got smoked. I understand Ronda is the draw, but you have to pay a little more attention to the champion at least.
crazy its like the UFC already know who is winning completely ignoring Nune...the fix is in mark my words

So that's what your excuse will be. I thought for sure you would be going for the "Amanda is overrated and never really good" excuse.
Jesus. Some of you guys are really stupid.
Are yes and no always the only answers to a question ? Nothing Joe said here contradicted his original stupid assertion that Ronda is an angel warrior. How does saying the current champion deserves some respect change what he said about Ronda? He can think Ronda is great AND think Amanda Kissnhug deserve respect.
They are riding on honda housey's name. Why is this surprising to rogan? It's like he's out of his mind again.
Havent seen the promo but there is no reason to overhype ronda here. Her return sells this fight,thats all you need.
and Ronda is going to break her arm so who cares. UFC can't sell Nunes

Maybe. But how are they going to "sell" someone who covers her face with a purple pillow?
If Nunes wins, Ronda becomes a bum. A bum without a film career.
WWE will still take her though. So she can sell tickets with her mean mugging bum skills.

Nunes won't be winning though and then you'll have to admit you're an idiot.
I am shocked that Rogan doesn't get it. What is wrong with him? The UFC want Ronda to be champion. If not Ronda, then Holly or Meisha (before she retired). Amanda, not so much.
You people are weird. Rogan is just making a correct observation. Nunes should not be overlooked. The fact that Rogan is also a big Ronda fan doesn't make thinking this impossible or hypocritical.