rockhold is a walking sunset


Jul 22, 2006
Reaction score
whats up with rockhold every time he opens his mouth its just hilarity unintended.

im sure in his own mind hes very deep.

hes like a human equivalent of one of those corny quotes people post on reddit with a picture of the sea in the background.

if adult swim introduced him as a character he would be a major comedy sensation.

fuck me
What was your goal with this thread ?
im hoping to gather peoples opinions
Do you have a recent example for us or is this just an ongoing observation?
TS may actually be on to something here

whats up with rockhold every time he opens his mouth its just hilarity unintended.

im sure in his own mind hes very deep.

hes like a human equivalent of one of those corny quotes people post on reddit with a picture of the sea in the background.

if adult swim introduced him as a character he would be a major comedy sensation.

fuck me
It's rare that one gets looks AND smarts. Usually one or the other.
He's not comfortable in front of the camera. Not sure why people expect pro fighters to be thespians
He's not comfortable in front of the camera. Not sure why people expect pro fighters to be thespians

might be valid if rockhold came across as humble in front of the camera but he obviously believes