Robin Black Breakdown - is Connor the GOAT?

Dunno why you guys don't care for Robin Black. Every time I go to an event at a bar there's at least ten guys who look and talk just like him. Ya'll be some self loathing types.
I try not to judge books by their cover... but goddamn it, what the fuck is up with the hair cuts of MMA analysts? You're a grown ass man, what the fuck are you doing sporting some faux-Dragon Ball Z hair style? I'm not even going to talk about that shirt and the diamond stud in his ear.

Robin Black's not the only one (Jordan Breen, I'm looking at you). They dress like teenagers in the late 90s and I just cannot take them seriously.

You should have seen him when he was in a band! lmao Big Improvement!
This man is full of shit. His fight breakdowns are like listening to a 10 year old talk.

I'm pretty sure with this breakdown, he was just running with the whole sherdog "Connor is the GOAT" and having fun with it...