Roberto Tozi seminar in Cedar Falls IA Oct 8 & 9


Eater of small villages.
Nov 23, 2003
Reaction score
Black belt Pan American champion, Brazilian champion, 2nd World Championship

Limited number of participants
Fees*: $40 per workshop
$100 Full weekend
Where: West Gym, Wrestling Room #110
When: October 8th and 9th 2005
University of Northern Iowa, Cedar Falls IA 50613

TO SIGN UP CONTACT: Instructor Pedro Zogaib
[email protected] or (319) 268-0107

If needed you can also ask Pedro about housing, he has some available. If you can speak portugese it is a plus...

I'm not 100% on his credentials... but I know he's probably the best pure BJJ guy I'll have the chance to meet for a while.
Tozi is a big guy with a judo background. He has competed for a long time.

His nickname is "The Bull."
what is he going to teach? how to stall a match? Has anyone ever seen him fight? I know that my coment is a bit rude and it doesn
He can beat me easily... so I'm pretty willing to learn from him.
Go for it then ahab, let me know your impressions later on
*this is my friend talking*
perhaps you don't know alot about competition, the point of it is to win. So whatever you may think about him or his style, the point of competition is to win and not "look pretty". If you have any qualms abou this teaching style look at the last brazilian championship (featherweight and superheavyweight bb). And don't forget that he won his class also.
Tozzi is one of the best guard passers/top players in BJJ right now.
That is ridiculous Blanko. First of all, I know about competition, I
blz vc e o sabe tudo entao , portanto deve saber q qualquer lutador q queira viver de jiu-jitsu precisa dar aula no brasil e ai tem uma grande diferenca em ensinar com estilo de luta assim tb como um estilo de treino e um estilo de competicao , vc pode ter um monte de competicao nas costas ter visto muitas vezes o tozi ganhar de alguns caras de uma forma monotona e sem graca e ter reclamado bastante com o juiz pq seu amigo nao conseguiu fazer nada com ele , mas kem treina com ele sabe como funciona e quem aprende muito mais , portanto acorda malandro treino e treino competicao eh competicao se tem duvida e so fazer uma visita no treino dos graduados no brooklin ou ir pra campinas la no taquaral isso talvez mude sua cabeca