Rhabdomyolysis - MY STORY


Green Belt
Jan 15, 2006
Reaction score
Thank you, thank you, thank you, for all your sarcasm and silly comments! If I didnt get them I may not be here now!

After the first few comments, I thought fuck it - they're no help and I just went back to bed and got back up again at 7. I read the new posts, got rick roll'd then I REFUSED to click on the Rhabdo link.

"Pause for fluid intake"

i then googled and wiki'd Rhabo - saw the shit and proceeded to go straight to A&E. I thought that it might just be a case of drink loads and I mean loads - go home and dont be so stupid again.

After a blood test and a urine test the first doc said "theres something wrong with your blood"
my CK level - Creatine Something. should have been about 100 and after working out about 1-2000. Mine was >48000 the machine didnt go any higher.

I was admitted to hospital sunday afternoon and I came out last night, I was on about 3 or 4 litres of intravenous fluids all day, everyday. I was also drinking at least 8 litres of water a day aswell. My Ck levels came down slowly from >48k to 38k to 27k to 17k to 7000 yesterday when I was released.

No work, no gym for 2 weeks. Ive got an appointment with a specialist in two weeks to see if it was just the exercise that I did/overdid it or whether there is some other problem.

"pause for more fluid intake"

I know most were taking the piss, but thank you! - and as for not taking advice from people from the internet - thats bollocks!!! I'll come back to you lot anytime!!!
It seems crossfit and leg extensions can be deadly. I hope you learned your lesson from this!
I'm glad you saw the doctor in the end - it's better to be safe than sorry sometimes. Now take a drink! :)
See? Machines ARE dangerous.

True dat.

If you fools hadn't alerted him to the Rhabdomyolysis, I'd be sorting through his stuff right now.
I'm going to call work until TS posts his discharge papers.
where is my check. I was the first person to tell you to go to the doctor.

You owe me.

Wow dude. I remember reading that thread you first started. Good luck on a speedy recovery and dont do anything that stupid again.