Rewatched Sanchez Pearson, breakdown minute by minute


Jun 19, 2012
Reaction score


Pearson throws body kick that hits Diego's arm. May cause damage but is technically blocked.

Sanches misses a kick. Pearson falls short on a jab. No score yet.

Diego misses two punches, Pearson clinches then releases. No score yet.

Diego feints a jab and lands a right uppercut.

Pearson misses a jab, then right hooks to Diego's body, but again hits the arm and is technically blocked.

Diego throws a glancing left high kick. 0 damage done.

END OF MINUTE 1: Diego 2, Pearson 0.


Both fighters miss jabs.

Diego misses a jab. Pearson misses a hook. They clinch and separate immediately.

Diego throws an awkward spinning back kick that misses by about 90 degrees.

Diego throws a jumping front kick to the knee that misses.

Pearson misses a jab.

Diego misses a jab. Pearson lands a lead right hand to Diego's forehead.

Diego leans in and Pearson lands a left hook to the side of Diego's head.

Diego misses a hook and Pearson's counter right slide's up Diego's arm to hit the side of his head catching Diego off balance. Kenny says Pearson buckles Diego.

END OF MINUTE 2: Diego 0 Pearson 2 so total is Diego 2 Pearson 2


Both miss with punches.

Pearson lands another hard kick to the body on Diego's arm, which is technically blocked and does not score.

Diego throws a knee that is blocked.

Diego throws a hook that misses.

Both miss punches.

END OF MINUTE 3: Nothing scored. Total Diego 2 Pearson 2.


Pearson touches Diego in the face with a lead right.

Diego throws a left kick to the body that is blocked and does no damage.

Diego throws a wild right hook that misses.

Both guys feint punches and circle each other.

Pearson throws another shot to the body that hits Diego's left elbow. Technically does not score but does do damage.

Diego touches a back peddling Pearson in the face with a right cross.

Both guys miss punches.

Pearson misses a wild left hook, followed by a missed jab.

END OF MINUTE 4: Diego 1 Pearson 1. Total Diego 3 Pearson 3.


Both guys miss tentative punches.

Diego misses a left high kick that clips Pearson in the wrist.

Diego throws a spinning body kick that lands against a back peddling but appears to do 0 damage. Technically it scores.

Pearson feints a knee and Diego circles away.

Pearson throws a left high kick that Diego catches. Diego rushes Pearson to the cage. Diego lands one right cross to Pearson's face. Pearson circles out.

Pearson lands a jab.

Diego misses a left high kick.

Pearson throws a knee that is blocked.

Pearson lands a jab. Diego misses a looping lead right.

Diego lands two left hooks and a right hook as he rushes forward.

END OF MINUTE 5 Diego 5 Pearson 2. Total and end of round 1: Diego 8 Pearson 5.

Round 1 Diego.



Both fighters come out tense and flat. Both miss jabs. Both miss jabs again. Pearson blocks another jab and circles away.

Diego rushes in for a single leg. Pearson spins out.

Pearson misses a leg kick.

Sanches lands a left kick to the body that does damage but hits Pearson's arm so it is technically blocked and does not score.

Diego throws a lead right that misses, and feints a left kick to the body, but the feint actually lands. Does no damage but technically scores.

Pearson misses with a looping left. Diego misses with a looping left right.

END OF MINUTE 1 Diego 1 Pearson 0.


Diego misses a left front kick and appears off balance as he spins. Pearson rushes in and lands a left head kick. Diego asks for more as he backs away.

Both fighters miss punches.

Pearson throws a wild lead right that is blocked. Diego backs away.

Diego ducks a jab.

Pearson throws a wild lead right that is blocked.

Pearson ducks a jab and backs away.

Pearson lands a right hook to the body with little force behind it.

Pearson misses an awkward jab, as he turns Diego lands a right to the back of Pearson's head.

Sanches throws a left high kick that is blocked.

END OF MINUTE 2: Diego 1 Pearson 2. Total Diego 2 Pearson 2


Pearson throws a body kick that is blocked, Sanches throws a right that falls short.

Diego ducks a wild right hook.

Diego blocks a wild right hook and circles.

Pearson ducks a while hook and misses with a right hook from a foot away. Kenny says Pearson is beginning to land with regularity.

Pearson throws a hard lead right hook that is blocked. Kenny says Sanches able to get those hands up.

Pearson throws a hard body kick that is blocked.

Pearson misses a jab.

Diego throws an awkward spinning back kick that misses.

Both miss punches.

Pearson glances a left hook while backing up. No damage.

Diego glaces a left hook. No damage.

END OF MINUTE 3: Diego 1 Pearson 1. Total: Diego 3 Pearson 3.


Pearson misses a jab, Diego blocks a right cross and backs away.

Diego throws a left kick to the body that is blocked.

Diego throws a wild spinning roundhouse that misses.

Pearson lands an awkward body kick and Diego lands a right cross at the same time.

Diego misses a looping right. Pearson backs away.

Diego blocks a jab and feints a spinning kick.

Pearson feints a jab, misses with two more.

Diego lands a short kick to the body that does little damage.

Pearson drops Diego with a lead right. Misses with the follow up.

Pearson lands a left jab.

END OF MINUTE 4: Diego 2: Pearson 3. Total: Diego 5 Pearson 6.


Pearson lands a jab.

Pearson catches a right body kick and throws Diego down. Diego lands a glancing right hook as he falls.

Pearson lands a left and right to the head as Diego gets up.

Diego clinches. Diego throws a knee that is blocked. They separate.

Diego lands a spinning back kick.

Pearson misses with a front kick.

Pearson misses a jab and blocks a hook.

Pearson misses a jab, Diego misses a front kick.

Pearson blocks a jab.

Pearson blocks a jab but Diego touches him with a looping overhand right.

Sanches flurries and lands one right.

Pearson blocks a left kick to the body.

END OF ROUND 2: Diego 4 Pearson 2. Total: Diego 9 Pearson 8.

Diego wins round 2.

2 rounds to 0 Diego. No need to analyze round 3.
After that boring ass fight ain't nobody got time to read that boring ass wall of text.
Are you really arguing in favor of what was clearly nothing more than a case of a fighter coming forward in his hometown?
everyone ignore this thread, the guy writing it is obviously trolling.
The fight was boring as hell and I do not find Diego to be entertaining at all. He has the sloppiest technique I've ever seen. Diego absolutely lost, that was a tremendous robbery, in no conceivable way did Diego win this fight. Like many on here, I am not a conspiracy theorist, but what other conclusion can one come to asides from the fact this fight was a fixed or could judges be that incompetent. That's a really conundrum to think about, I think fix, you gotta be blind to score for Diego.
Diego wins round 2? Lol. I'm glad you didn't continue this thread. The first round you could MAYBE give Diego and that's it.
Sir put down the crack pipe

round 1

minute 1

pearson throws body kick that hits diego's arm. May cause damage but is technically blocked.

Sanches misses a kick. Pearson falls short on a jab. No score yet.

Diego misses two punches, pearson clinches then releases. No score yet.

Diego feints a jab and lands a right uppercut.

Pearson misses a jab, then right hooks to diego's body, but again hits the arm and is technically blocked.

Diego throws a glancing left high kick. 0 damage done.

End of minute 1: Diego 2, pearson 0.

Minute 2

both fighters miss jabs.

Diego misses a jab. Pearson misses a hook. They clinch and separate immediately.

Diego throws an awkward spinning back kick that misses by about 90 degrees.

Diego throws a jumping front kick to the knee that misses.

Pearson misses a jab.

Diego misses a jab. Pearson lands a lead right hand to diego's forehead.

Diego leans in and pearson lands a left hook to the side of diego's head.

Diego misses a hook and pearson's counter right slide's up diego's arm to hit the side of his head catching diego off balance. Kenny says pearson buckles diego.

End of minute 2: Diego 0 pearson 2 so total is diego 2 pearson 2

minute 3

both miss with punches.

Pearson lands another hard kick to the body on diego's arm, which is technically blocked and does not score.

Diego throws a knee that is blocked.

Diego throws a hook that misses.

Both miss punches.

End of minute 3: Nothing scored. Total diego 2 pearson 2.

Minute 4

pearson touches diego in the face with a lead right.

Diego throws a left kick to the body that is blocked and does no damage.

Diego throws a wild right hook that misses.

Both guys feint punches and circle each other.

Pearson throws another shot to the body that hits diego's left elbow. Technically does not score but does do damage.

Diego touches a back peddling pearson in the face with a right cross.

Both guys miss punches.

Pearson misses a wild left hook, followed by a missed jab.

End of minute 4: Diego 1 pearson 1. Total diego 3 pearson 3.

Minute 5

both guys miss tentative punches.

Diego misses a left high kick that clips pearson in the wrist.

Diego throws a spinning body kick that lands against a back peddling but appears to do 0 damage. Technically it scores.

Pearson feints a knee and diego circles away.

Pearson throws a left high kick that diego catches. Diego rushes pearson to the cage. Diego lands one right cross to pearson's face. Pearson circles out.

Pearson lands a jab.

Diego misses a left high kick.

Pearson throws a knee that is blocked.

Pearson lands a jab. Diego misses a looping lead right.

Diego lands two left hooks and a right hook as he rushes forward.

End of minute 5 diego 5 pearson 2. Total and end of round 1: Diego 8 pearson 5.

Round 1 diego.

Round 2

minute 1

both fighters come out tense and flat. Both miss jabs. Both miss jabs again. Pearson blocks another jab and circles away.

Diego rushes in for a single leg. Pearson spins out.

Pearson misses a leg kick.

Sanches lands a left kick to the body that does damage but hits pearson's arm so it is technically blocked and does not score.

Diego throws a lead right that misses, and feints a left kick to the body, but the feint actually lands. Does no damage but technically scores.

Pearson misses with a looping left. Diego misses with a looping left right.

End of minute 1 diego 1 pearson 0.

Minute 2

diego misses a left front kick and appears off balance as he spins. Pearson rushes in and lands a left head kick. Diego asks for more as he backs away.

Both fighters miss punches.

Pearson throws a wild lead right that is blocked. Diego backs away.

Diego ducks a jab.

Pearson throws a wild lead right that is blocked.

Pearson ducks a jab and backs away.

Pearson lands a right hook to the body with little force behind it.

Pearson misses an awkward jab, as he turns diego lands a right to the back of pearson's head.

Sanches throws a left high kick that is blocked.

End of minute 2: Diego 1 pearson 2. Total diego 2 pearson 2

minute 3

pearson throws a body kick that is blocked, sanches throws a right that falls short.

Diego ducks a wild right hook.

Diego blocks a wild right hook and circles.

Pearson ducks a while hook and misses with a right hook from a foot away. Kenny says pearson is beginning to land with regularity.

Pearson throws a hard lead right hook that is blocked. Kenny says sanches able to get those hands up.

Pearson throws a hard body kick that is blocked.

Pearson misses a jab.

Diego throws an awkward spinning back kick that misses.

Both miss punches.

Pearson glances a left hook while backing up. No damage.

Diego glaces a left hook. No damage.

End of minute 3: Diego 1 pearson 1. Total: Diego 3 pearson 3.

Minute 4

pearson misses a jab, diego blocks a right cross and backs away.

Diego throws a left kick to the body that is blocked.

Diego throws a wild spinning roundhouse that misses.

Pearson lands an awkward body kick and diego lands a right cross at the same time.

Diego misses a looping right. Pearson backs away.

Diego blocks a jab and feints a spinning kick.

Pearson feints a jab, misses with two more.

Diego lands a short kick to the body that does little damage.

Pearson drops diego with a lead right. Misses with the follow up.

Pearson lands a left jab.

End of minute 4: Diego 2: Pearson 3. Total: Diego 5 pearson 6.

Minute 5

pearson lands a jab.

Pearson catches a right body kick and throws diego down. Diego lands a glancing right hook as he falls.

Pearson lands a left and right to the head as diego gets up.

Diego clinches. Diego throws a knee that is blocked. They separate.

Diego lands a spinning back kick.

Pearson misses with a front kick.

Pearson misses a jab and blocks a hook.

Pearson misses a jab, diego misses a front kick.

Pearson blocks a jab.

Pearson blocks a jab but diego touches him with a looping overhand right.

Sanches flurries and lands one right.

Pearson blocks a left kick to the body.

End of round 2: Diego 4 pearson 2. Total: Diego 9 pearson 8.

Diego wins round 2.

2 rounds to 0 diego. No need to analyze round 3.

Diego throws a lead right that misses, and feints a left kick to the body, but the feint actually lands. Does no damage but technically scores.


Pearson rushes in and lands a left head kick.


Yeah let's just count vicious head kicks the same as ineffectual feints that do no damage...
I didn't even read your shitty post and I still disagree with your shitty post.