Required Reading

Oh, God, thanks, Entropy, you have no idea how unchained that makes me feel.

I havent' read "Serious Streng Training" (I think Sonny does, he might have more to say about it) but I understand that is his application of (his interpretation of) periodization applied to bodybuilding. "Periodization Training for Sports" is his cliff notes version of his master text for athletes; it's in that book he doesn't recommend a split.

But everything you mentioned puts my mind at rest. (1) I've been struggling reconciling his writings with the little I've encountered on the conjugate method; (2) I'm losing touch with many of the CSCS's I know who want to make a pause lifts and swiss ball DB movements the core of an athlete's regimen, but I was reserved to accept Bompa's desire to limit elite athletes to 3-5 exercises in their entire program with no concern for the stability training; (3) everything he's written on hypertrophy gives me the creeps.

Once again, thanks.
Just got Supertraining, haven't cracked it open (about 10 minutes til i do). Just a little disappointed it isn't hardback though.
Entropy, empty your inbox, I can't PM you.

Madmick said:
I havent' read "Serious Streng Training" (I think Sonny does, he might have more to say about it) but I understand that is his application of (his interpretation of) periodization applied to bodybuilding. "Periodization Training for Sports" is his cliff notes version of his master text for athletes; it's in that book he doesn't recommend a split.

I bought my copy of SST around 8 years ago. The edition I had was geared HEAVILY towards bodybuilding BUT he does lay out a few different cycles for differing goals. I can't really comment on how he compares to some other authors because I don't own a lot of the other books mentioned in this thread. At the time though I thought this stuff was pure GOLD compared to the other shit sitting on the shelf at my local bookstore.

SST was the first piece of writing I had ever read which explained stuff like:

*different loading paramaters

*the difference between e-intensity and intensity in terms of % of 1RM

*training to failure for hypertrophy


One of the major things I didn't like though was his chapter on training for definition in which he promotes supersets done back to back using a 20-30% load and performing close to 50-100 reps per set in order to burn bodyfat. This as I recall was in vogue at the time so I didn't discard it totally!

One MAJOR pro of this book is that there are MANY pictures of a sweaty Victoria Pratt in it.

Sonny said:
One MAJOR pro of this book is that there are MANY pictures of a sweaty Victoria Pratt in it.


:rolleyes: I don't believe you, prove it.
I've just ordered these four books for Christmas

Fundamentals of Special Strength Training in Sport by Verkhoshansky
Programming and Organization by Verkhoshansky
A System of Multi Year Training by Medvedyev
Supertraining 2003 6th Edition by Siff
matsumi said:
I've just ordered these four books for Christmas

Fundamentals of Special Strength Training in Sport by Verkhoshansky
Programming and Organization by Verkhoshansky
A System of Multi Year Training by Medvedyev
Supertraining 2003 6th Edition by Siff
Damn, dude, that's some knowledge you're about to drop on yourself.