Madmick said:
Oh, duh. Missed the asterisk.
You gotta reorganize your list with your owned books on top. C'mon, just pick a theme: own/unowned, alphabetic, subject, date of publication, author. The lack of any style of cross-indexing is driving me crazy, man. Absolutely crazy.
alright man, check it out. unowned books by price and availability. havent found the ones without a vendor yet.
Strength and Power in Sport by Paavo V. Komi; $138.95 on Barnes and Noble
Essentials of Strength and Conditioning; $69 on Barnes and Noble ($62.95 on Elitefts)
ACSM's Resource Manual for Guidelines for Exercise Testing and Prescription; $49.95 on Barnes and Noble
Power to the People by Pavel; $34.95 on Barnes and Noble
ACSM's Guidelines for Exercise Testing and Prescription; $31.95 on Barnes and Noble
Anatomy of Movement by Calais-Germain; $28.50 on Barnes and Noble
Kinesiology of Exercise by Michael Yessis; $19.95 on Barnes and Noble
High Low Sequences of Programming and Organizing Training; $54.95 on Elitefts
Facts and Fallacies of Fitness by Mel Siff; $36.95 on Elitefts
Naim Suleymanoglu The Pocket Hercules; $34.99 on Elitefts
A System of Multi Year Training; $27.95 on Elitefts
Fundamentals of Special Strength Training in Sport; $26.95 on Elitefts
1984 Weightlifting Yearbook; $26 on Elitefts
1985 Weightlifting Yearbook; $26 on Elitefts
Weightlifting Training and Technique; $25.95 on Elitefts
The Snatch, The Clean and Jerk; $25.95 on Elitefts
The Training of the Weightlifter; $25.95 on Elitefts
Weight Lifting and Age; $24.95 on Elitefts
Managing the Training of Weightlifters; $21.95 on Elitefts
Programming and Organization; $21.95 on Elitefts
Mastery of Hand Strength by John Brookfield; $14.95 on Elitefts
Track and Field by Schaolinsky
Biomechanics of Sports Techniques by Hay
Science and Speed of Hurdling by Brent McFarlane
The Preparation of High Class Sportsman in Horizontal Jumps by Anatoly Golubstov
The Mechanics of Athletics by Dyson
Training Theory by Matveyev
Special Strength Training by Verhoshansky
Programming and Organization of Training by Verhoshansky
Dinosaur Training by Brooks Kubik
Beyond Brawn" by Stuart McRobert
Anything by Bud Jeffries (especially his newest book)
Anything by Ross Enamait
Gladiator Training by Zach Even-Esh
The Weightlifting Encyclopedia by Arthur Dreschler
Sports Agility by E.J. Kreis & Frank Costello
Circuit Training for All Sports by M. Scholich
Secrets of Soviet Sports Fitness and Training by Michael Yessis
the ones i own:
The Anatomical and Mechanical Bases of Human Motion by Hay
Supertraining by Mel Siff
The Science and Practice of Strength Training by Vladimir Zatsiorsky
Speed Trap by Charlie Francis
Training for Speed by Charlie Francis
Theory and Methodology by Bompa
im guessing you were kidding but i made a christmas/future shopping list so i may as well post it.