International Report: China emissions exceed all developed nations combined

Yes China pollutes the environment more than any country. But supposedly they are "moving" towards a greener direction. So we have to deal with another 30 years of their shit. Better than nothing right?
If the West and the US in particular doesn't care about emissions despite being wealthy and in a position to change why should dirt poor countries trying to lift swathes of their population out of poverty care?

You don't really believe the Chinese govt cares about it's people living in poverty, do you?
448 vs 331 million people.
Huh, somehow in my head I remember it as ~750 million. I wonder where I got that number from. I think my point still stands though, they have 115 million more people and yet the US has almost twice the proportion of global emissions.
You don't really believe the Chinese govt cares about it's people living in poverty, do you?
Well I'm not only talking about the Chinese government but yes even in their case they do, in fact especially in their case because its how they derive their political legitimacy. The social contract there is basically that the CCP monopolizes political power and in exchange they deliver pro-growth technocratic governance.
Huh, somehow in my head I remember it as ~750 million. I wonder where I got that number from. I think my point still stands though, they have 115 million more people and yet the US has almost twice the proportion of global emissions.

Well I'm not only talking about the Chinese government but yes even in their case they do, in fact especially in their case because its how they derive their political legitimacy. The social contract there is basically that the CCP monopolizes political power and in exchange they deliver pro-growth technocratic governance.
I think the 700 million number is for the whole of Europe, close to it anyways. Or, about half the population of China. Kind of puts a different perspective on a lot of global conversations in my mind.

Other than that, I don't have much to add to this topic. Yeah, we can blame China for doing what the rest of the developed world has done until very recently, which makes us hypocrites, especially as they've tried to focus on solar power as well while North America is lagging far behind in that field. Unfortunately that doesn't help solve a global problem.
Before I lived in China I thought there was hope for the climate, after not so much.
Yes China pollutes the environment more than any country. But supposedly they are "moving" towards a greener direction. So we have to deal with another 30 years of their shit. Better than nothing right?

Dirty coal FTL sadly.
Who the fuck cares. Pointing fingers wont help. nothings gonna change anywhere anytime soon. Get used to hotter temps and rising sea levels.

as george carlin said , “the earth will shake us off like fleas”

However, if anyone wants to capitalize on the inevitable then buy some land in alaska , maybe a mile or two from the ocean. In a hundred years or so it will be tropical beachfront property worth $$$...

Although i’m not sure who would want to live near the beach when the ocean is full of plastic and all the fish are gone.
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