Replacements that were better than the original

How much did he pay you?

I don't like acdc so both eras can kick rocks
However my point still stands they were a bigger band with Brian

Literally 1 album sold more them their entire discography combined
If the argument is sold more records to the masses, then sure.

Metallica's black album also outsold master of puppets because they went for the more radio friendly style so it would get more airplay, but you are going to find many fans enjoyed MOP more
I simply agree that I like Bon Scott era AcDC better and so do a lot of people lol.

The Scott era lasted 5 years and the Johnson era 35 years , yet we're I to make a top 20 favorite songs, 15 would be from the Bon Scott era

Conan Stevens was the best Gregor Clegane. He actually looked like The Hound's brother. I can't embed for some reason can someone post a pic of him from the joust tournament fight please?

Agreed. Hafthor doesn’t look the part and actually looked younger than The Hound

I believe Stevens is taller than Hafthor too
If the argument is sold more records to the masses, then sure.

Metallica's black album also outsold master of puppets because they went for the more radio friendly style so it would get more airplay, but you are going to find many fans enjoyed MOP more

They didn't change lead singers so again you're making a pointless point
Mustaine IS a better guitarist and I don't know how that is debatable.

Shit person, shit singer, but his work with the axe is up there.

I like both bands, but my preference is on the progressive technical side and Mustaine blows Hammett out of the water. Hammett plays a fast safe riffing style and his solos get pretty boring

I could play every single Metallica song by the time I was 14, solos included. Megadeth songs were more akin to learning dream theater. It took a good deal longer to acquire and perfect the skills to play the entire rust in peace album

There's no argument in regard to technical ability, but I still think Hammett had the edge when it came to melodic ballads, and generally everything that wasn't pure thrash. Megadeth's attempts at being radio friendly came nowhere near Metallica's black album. Admittedly a lot of that was down to James' songwriting, but Kirk still performed those songs wonderfully imo.

One of the main criticisms people throw at Kirk was his over dependence on his wahwah... but that never bothered me. I guess I'm just a sucker for a good bit of wahwah.

There's no argument in regard to technical ability, but I still think Hammett had the edge when it came to melodic ballads, and generally everything that wasn't pure thrash. Megadeth's attempts at being radio friendly came nowhere near Metallica's black album. Admittedly a lot of that was down to James' songwriting, but Kirk still performed those songs wonderfully imo.

One of the main criticisms people throw at Kirk was his over dependence on his wahwah... but that never bothered me. I guess I'm just a sucker for a good bit of wahwah.

Sure for "melodic ballads" I guess. Megadeth didn't do those
I said it's hard to gauge how successful they would've been if Scott didnt die.

Either way I think they made their best music with Scott.
I agree with you. Bon was a better singer and AC/DC was better before he died. Brian is also awesome, but considering Angus is the primary songwriter, I think they would've done the same exact songs and albums if Bon hadn't died. And they would've been even better.
There's no argument in regard to technical ability, but I still think Hammett had the edge when it came to melodic ballads, and generally everything that wasn't pure thrash. Megadeth's attempts at being radio friendly came nowhere near Metallica's black album. Admittedly a lot of that was down to James' songwriting, but Kirk still performed those songs wonderfully imo.

One of the main criticisms people throw at Kirk was his over dependence on his wahwah... but that never bothered me. I guess I'm just a sucker for a good bit of wahwah.


Didnt hetfield write most of Hammet's solos?
Mustaine IS a better guitarist and I don't know how that is debatable.

Shit person, shit singer, but his work with the axe is up there.

I like both bands, but my preference is on the progressive technical side and Mustaine blows Hammett out of the water. Hammett plays a fast safe riffing style and his solos get pretty boring

I could play every single Metallica song by the time I was 14, solos included. Megadeth songs were more akin to learning dream theater. It took a good deal longer to acquire and perfect the skills to play the entire rust in peace album
We were practically a Metallica cover band because we only got Symphony of destruction. We don't have time to learn more Megadeth songs.
I respect that opinion but you're definitely in the minority here.
Negative. Huge James bond fan (use to browse multiple 007 forums way back in the day) and Roger being favored over Connery was an almost an evenly split contest with the die hard fans. Far from minority or hot take.

Combination of people liking the more lighthearted character, his movies being more popular for the time (more people saw them), and Moore looked like he was having the time of his life in all of his films were Connery gets flack for phoning it in the last few movies he did (he looked extremely sluggish and jaded the back half of his catalog).

Connery is obviously the more iconic of the 2 but a good amount of people will say Moore was the favorite/better of the 2.
I cant argue against this but I'm actually right in this circumstance

You guys are comparing a new singer in a band to the old singer. You're reaching hard and failing big time.
Not really. You will find an even split among fans over who was better of ACDC singers.

If you want a second singer who nobody debates is better, Bruce Dickenson of Iron maiden is unchallenged. A lot of people were unaware they even had a singer before him that sold millions of albums.
Not really. You will find an even split among fans over who was better of ACDC singers.

If you want a second singer who nobody debates is better, Bruce Dickenson of Iron maiden is unchallenged. A lot of people were unaware they even had a singer before him that sold millions of albums.

Yes really, you're reaching hard comment was about Metallica.

Again this is the final post I'm making in this thread because idc about acdc and I really don't like their music

Just know, whatever Rev was paying u I would have doubled it

Stay golden