Real Boxing Gym - Las Vegas:

Hey guys, I appreciate anyone and everyone who has subscribed recently, still need 76 more to join the "YouTube Partners" program. Right now I'm re-calibrating my approach as long-format videos have a much harder time getting views. Shorts get the traffic first so I'll be doing much more of those. But again thanks so much for the support more content to come:
Cristian (brown shirt, blue pants) getting in some international work with this dude from Australia:

Cristian is 16, I've had him since he was 11. Kid has been through a whirlwind of family drama which interrupted his training a few times. He has a very serious demeanor and can be overly sensitive. The coach in the ring who inserted himself as referee was irritating him earlier, so I pulled him aside and told him the focus for tonight was ignoring that guy and making the session fun for himself.

He listened well, which was a bit of a surprise.
Cristian (brown shirt, blue pants) getting in some international work with this dude from Australia:

Cristian is 16, I've had him since he was 11. Kid has been through a whirlwind of family drama which interrupted his training a few times. He has a very serious demeanor and can be overly sensitive. The coach in the ring who inserted himself as referee was irritating him earlier, so I pulled him aside and told him the focus for tonight was ignoring that guy and making the session fun for himself.

He listened well, which was a bit of a surprise.

Good sparring! Yo Sinister ehats your take on headgear, do you believe it reduces head injury or just superficial damage? Do your guys ever spar without headgear?
Good sparring! Yo Sinister ehats your take on headgear, do you believe it reduces head injury or just superficial damage? Do your guys ever spar without headgear?

It mainly protects against cuts, and does very little to protect the brain. We dont spar without headgear because they're not preparing for Nationals yet.
This is Diego "El Mariachi" Herrera. We gave him that nickname because he actually played in a Mariachi band when he started with me, but now it's because he's a gun slinger like the movie. If you let him throw he doesnt stop, tendency to wall through anything and just keep going. The guys who prefer to box don't have a lot of fun sparring him because hes that "what if I hit the guy and he doesnt even blink" nightmare come to life. Its difficult to believe that he went from crying out of pure shyness and reluctance on his first day, to this (black shirt, all black headgear):

This is Jake, who we call "Psycho" Jake because for a while he had a nose that would bleed if you looked at him hard enough...but he would smile through the mask of blood when it happened during sparring. This time the blood on his shirt wasnt his. He's in the brown shirt, white headgear, oh and sorry for both che horizontal video and that this came from the other Coach so all you hear is him:

My Son had his Amateur debut today. Man when I moved to Vegas I never anticipated I would end up Coaching and launching my own Son's venture into boxing. When I first started posting here I didnt even have a girlfriend lol

Blue corner. I thought he did well for his first bout. He's a sensitive kid who can be unsure of himself under pressure, but you've seen some of the work we've been putting in. He handled the punches well, and didnt cry. 20 minutes after the fight he asked me 2 or 3 times when he could fight again:

My Son had his Amateur debut today. Man when I moved to Vegas I never anticipated I would end up Coaching and launching my own Son's venture into boxing. When I first started posting here I didnt even have a girlfriend lol

Blue corner. I thought he did well for his first bout. He's a sensitive kid who can be unsure of himself under pressure, but you've seen some of the work we've been putting in. He handled the punches well, and didnt cry. 20 minutes after the fight he asked me 2 or 3 times when he could fight again:

It has to be quite an experience as a dad. Your kid has some footwork. What you’re saying about his confidence is pretty cool. He seems to be getting some fortitude out of it already.
It has to be quite an experience as a dad. Your kid has some footwork. What you’re saying about his confidence is pretty cool. He seems to be getting some fortitude out of it already.

Thanks for the feedback. Im taking a pretty unconventional approach with him and rather than gassing him up to narcissism, I'm beginning with conditioning him to mentally and emotionally endure the realities of the Sport. I told him he could win, he could lose, what we do is execute what we work on with efficiency and have a good attitude. If he cries, we deal with it. If he gets angry, we deal with it. And he will likely feel any and all negative emotions. It seems to have worked on that day, but then he didn't really get beaten up.
This is Saul. He wants to start competing in the Amateurs pretty soon. White gear, this was an open sparring night we had at another gym. The other guy has way more experience so he wasnt going all-out:

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Hey sorry I haven't been around here in a while. I'll provide a full update soon. Right now I have 2 Norwegian Pros here and they're with one of my local Amateurs in camp with Carlos Adames:

Its rough work. Carlos is strong, fast, hits incredibly hard, and is clever in the ring. They're training at Salas Boxing Academy, which happens to be in the same parking lot as our gym

There's all the sparring partners, the two Norwegians are obvious, and the one on the far right is Angel. Ironically the other sparring partner, whose name is Bobby Chacon (no joke, he is a 2nd Cousin of THE Bobby Chacon) I trained when he was 13. He is with another Coach now but we're on good terms.
Here is my Son's second Amateur fight. This is an interesting story because on the Wednesday before the show he agreed to go to weigh-ins to get his passbook (he has never been handed it and we still do not have it, but that's another tale). He even said this in front of his Mom, who sometimes he tells different things than he tells me. So that Friday, he had forgotten he told me that and put it into his head that he was going to stay up late watching a movie and eating snacks. So he threw a level 10 fit when I told him he had to go to bed to be up for weigh-ins. He said "there's no point, I'm not even matched"...and said some pretty vile little kid having a fit sh*t to me. I expected my wife to intervene because sometimes she likes to save the boys from me, but she HEARD him say it.

He went to bed hating me, but I woke him up and as we drove there I just calmly explained to him: "You agreed to go, and then I gave them my word we will be there. We're not gonna be those guys to just go back on our word." He understood and weighed in. We go to eat and come back and lo-and-behold he is matched. He couldn't believe it, even though I told him before covid weigh-ins were open, they're just now starting to do that again. But he was matched.

During the first round I felt he was very off because mentally he REALLY didnt expect to fight. But much to my surprise he looked better each round. Afterwards he said "You know Dad, if I would have did what I wanted, I wouldn't have my first win."


I did a thing with Fayz Boxing:
