This is a long rant posted in a T-nation article. I find it very inspiring. However, I find it makes me not want to give out any advice, because it reminds me that most people don't have what it takes to be like us.
Atomic Dog said:"Hey Mr. Seacrest, listen up. First of all, the notion that I spend my entire day in the gym, eschewing all worldly pursuits like women, assorted passions, friends, hobbies, business dealings, areas of study, etc., is offensive to me.
"But maybe your view of me is more charitable than that, maybe you think that I can spend the entire day in the gym and still enjoy worldly pursuits because I'm some sort of multi-tasking savant on the order of the Clive Owen character in Shoot 'Em Upwho could fuck Monica Belluci while simultaneously engaged in a rollicking gunfight with a number of hired assassins without breaking pelvic stride.
Clive Owen and Monica
"Fair enough, Soy Boy, but the truth is I only spend maybe five hours a week in the gym. I can do that because I know what I'm doing.
"Sure, sure, maybe you have your own little exercise program. Maybe it's some leotard wearing, mat-sniffing yoga class you joined so you could see women make bizarre but strangely arousing pretzel-like contortions where they aim their herbal-tea infused hoo-hahs at the celestial heavens; maybe it's your Tap Kwan Doclass where you learn the ancient but hugely gay Martial art of emotionally disarming assailants through the enchanting beauty of tap dancing; maybe it's the 10 half-assed naked push-ups