Randy Couture barbell circuit


White Belt
Oct 7, 2006
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how often would you do this everyday..every other day.... thanks in advance.
This thread doesn't even make sense to me. Did you forget to add the workout in there dude?
Its good to do when you don;t have a lot of time to condition, mabee once a week in pre compititon mode. But thats just my oppinion. Im no Randy Couture
Okay, I went and looked that up and I have to say it sounds like it would be pretty intense. It looks great for grip. Are you supposed to use one load for the entire routine or add weight where needed?
Okay, I went and looked that up and I have to say it sounds like it would be pretty intense. It looks great for grip. Are you supposed to use one load for the entire routine or add weight where needed?

yes you use one load for all lifts, never put down the bar and no rest, off the top of my head heres the round

10 bent rows
10 upright rows
10 overhead press
10 squats
10 lunges both legs
10 squat and press

thats one round
i would only do it like 2 times a week so you don't get tendonitis if you are training other stuff too.

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i found this in the related vids
It's called a barbell complex. It is a very effective muscle endurance/anaerobic cardio exercise with infinite variations. You can do it every other day.
yes you use one load for all lifts, never put down the bar and no rest, off the top of my head heres the round

10 bent rows
10 upright rows
10 overhead press
10 squats
10 lunges both legs
10 squat and press

thats one round

Ok, I thought I saw deadlift in the mix and was just wondering if you would add weight there or just have a light pull
i believe it's 8 reps each, for 3-5 sets.

Bent-over Rows
Upright Rows
Military Press
Good Mornings
Romanian Deadlifts

use a weight heavy enough, and it becomes plain brutal.
This thread doesn't even make sense to me. Did you forget to add the workout in there dude?

yeah please link or tell us where to find it?

is it in the team quest dvd for conditioning or in one of randys books? i.e wrestling for fighting
i remember it being 8 reps of the following:

bent rows
upright rows
standing military press
good mornings
squat push press
go buy the kevin kearns package trust me its worth it ...but make sure you have some way to get access to some of the equipment
yes you use one load for all lifts, never put down the bar and no rest, off the top of my head heres the round

10 bent rows
10 upright rows
10 overhead press
10 squats
10 lunges both legs
10 squat and press

thats one round

I have done the routine where you do not drop the bar. I used to go to fatigue so much higher reps like (30 - 50) except bicep. The idea is to tire before you hit the 1/2 way mark. No pauses. At the end the lungs are pumping and it is strenuous.

I dont see chest in that.