Random Questions,


Orange Belt
Dec 26, 2001
Reaction score
Well, since i have some free time because my girlfriend is working (yes i am pussy whipped), i have a bunch of random questions and probably will keep updating this thread periodically. So, ya, random questions.

Ill give you some background info.

Weight 205 5' 9"
Age 21
BP 305
Deadlift 470x2
Squat 340x3, i have done like 355x2 or something but i just did legs today and thats what i ended with. Oh, and yes, that is pussy weight.

Lifting on and off since i was 15. Took a year off in 2004 because of my girlfriend. But now i am back for good, hopefully. I have followed a bodybuilding type routine for the whole time. slightly modified.

Short-term goals: (4 months)
Bp; 320-330
Deadlift: 525
Squat 450 ya, i know, big jump.

Now to my random questions.

My weakpoint while deadlifting is the top half. Should i start doing rack pulls? i have never done them before and if so, what pin should i start it on, the second? Also, should i do both, deadlifts and rackpulls on the same day or just one?

Squats; i have a little more than shoulders width stance, does having a wide stance make it any easier getting low?

Board Presses, never done these easier, i have done rack lockouts before. Which one is more effective? Also, what type of 'boards' do you use? a couple cut 2x4s?

Gripping the bar- While i bench, for the longest time, i kind of just let the bar lay on my palms, if you understand that. I dont do the conventional thumb wrapped around the bar. I have been doing the thumb around the bar for the last 2 weeks i believe and it seems i am 'weaker' when i hold the bar like that. Does it really matter or should i start training with the thumb around?

My routine now. I drift away from it time to time and do more reps.

For Chest:
Day 1
4 sets- 8,6,4,2
Incline 4 sets,
Decline 4 sets-
DB Flies same^

Bicepts- All 4 sets^
Straight Bar
Hammer Curls
Day 2
Deads 4 sets
T Bar Rows
Lat Pulldown
DB Rows

Barbell Shurgs
6 sets 4-12

Day 3
Military Press
Side Raises
Front Raises
Reverse Pec Dec

Day 4
Sqats Sometimes "Box' Squats but on a bench about 20-24 inches off ground
Calf Raises

Day 5
Pushdowns on the Lat Pulldown shit
Overhead Extentions

I would like to do a strict 'powerlifting' routine for about 4 months then go back and do some lighter weight.

Grip work, i just have grippers and can only do static barbell holds. Umm thats all..for now. Thanks for all who will take the time and answer the questions.
BJJ said:
1. My weakpoint while deadlifting is the top half. Should i start doing rack pulls?

2. Squats; i have a little more than shoulders width stance, does having a wide stance make it any easier getting low?

3. Board Presses, never done these easier, i have done rack lockouts before. Which one is more effective? Also, what type of 'boards' do you use? a couple cut 2x4s?

4. Gripping the bar- While i bench, for the longest time, i kind of just let the bar lay on my palms, should i start training with the thumb around?

1. Cant hurt, throw it in as your main pull exercise for 3 weeks, go back to regular dl's and see if it made a difference. Rack pulls below the knees are ideal.

2. Wider the stance the harder it is to reach depth. Depth, being the passing depth for a competition squat. Getting "low" isnt usually the goal with a wide stance.

3. Never done board presses myself, but i've asked the same question. Basically the board presses allow you to train the bp in a groove similar to your regular bench press, and just attack the press at certain heights. The rack press is a different beast in that the whole exercise is based around developing starting power through focusing on the eccentric portion and eliminating the concentric. Yes, 2x4's...If you read someones workout log and it says, "2-board press", "3-board", etc. Its a reference to how many 2x4 chunks are piled together.

4. Next time you're benching grip the bar, HARD. While benching, keep the grip going and pretend like you're bending the bar. It'll tighten you up, and you should feel additional effort being put on your tri's.
gruesome said:
1. Cant hurt, throw it in as your main pull exercise for 3 weeks, go back to regular dl's and see if it made a difference. Rack pulls below the knees are ideal.

2. Wider the stance the harder it is to reach depth. Depth, being the passing depth for a competition squat. Getting "low" isnt usually the goal with a wide stance.

3. Never done board presses myself, but i've asked the same question. Basically the board presses allow you to train the bp in a groove similar to your regular bench press, and just attack the press at certain heights. The rack press is a different beast in that the whole exercise is based around developing starting power through focusing on the eccentric portion and eliminating the concentric. Yes, 2x4's...If you read someones workout log and it says, "2-board press", "3-board", etc. Its a reference to how many 2x4 chunks are piled together.

4. Next time you're benching grip the bar, HARD. While benching, keep the grip going and pretend like you're bending the bar. It'll tighten you up, and you should feel additional effort being put on your tri's.

its 2x6 boards. and a big difference between rack presses and board presses is the amount of tension that is relieved when you touch either the boards or pins. for rack presses i was told to relax all the way and then go back up, thus, as gruesome said, developing starting power. the board press keeps a lot more tension, as you cant just set the bar down, and forces you into working more in your sticking point.
2x6, i'll be fucked....oh well

Im not sure what you're saying about the rack presses there, as there is only up, as you said "back up".
gruesome said:
2x6, i'll be fucked....oh well

Im not sure what you're saying about the rack presses there, as there is only up, as you said "back up".

i meant that i usually use the hooks in the power rack, lower the weight down to the pins, rest, go up. sorry for any confusion.
I prefer you doing Pin presses over board presses. Doing rack lockouts will help you. For squats, get a comfortable stance as you don't necessarily have to go wide. What is hindering your squat progress? Hip strength? weak posterior chain? weak out of the hole? Once you have this down, it would be much easier to choose what assistance exercises to do.
You do deadlifts and don't do rack pulls? Yeesh get to rack pulls already. Personally I start them from about 13" - 14" I think. The lowest pin on my thing. You probably don't need to do them that low though.
I don't think that all who deadlift need rack pulls. Only those who have problems with the lockout.
Sean S said:
You do deadlifts and don't do rack pulls? Yeesh get to rack pulls already. Personally I start them from about 13" - 14" I think. The lowest pin on my thing. You probably don't need to do them that low though.

i never do rack pulls, because im weak off the floor and strong at lockout.
There have been "rumor's" going around the interenet saying that rack pulls don't help your lockout becuase people tend to squat the weight up rather than act as if it's the top half of the deadlift.

I've also been reading that a weak lockout is due to weak glutes.

Anyone have any more info?