Ran over my Neighbors cat, help

Last time I checked Cats shit in a box.

You have to pick your dogs shit up with a bag. Enjoy your shitbag.

Oh so when cats are roaming the neighbourhood they hold their shit until they get home so they can shit in a box?

Enjoy your box of shit n' piss in whatever room you keep it in.
Hey buddeh you wanna give us an update on this? what the hell did you do with the rotting cat in your trunk you POS

This happened in high school to me. My buddy was giving me a ride home and he was going about 70 in a 35 and all the sudden this cat jumped out infront of his camaro. We were high as fuck so i told him to back up so we could see what it was. We ran over the cat again then got out. I realized that it was my moms cat.

So i went home and didn't say a word. After about 2 days my mom asked me if I saw the cat and I said "no". A day later I helped put up a few missing posters.

I will go to the grave before I admit what happened.

So you hit your mom's pussy? Yeah you best take that with you to the grave lol.
The person that ran over my cat apologized, they told me they thought it was someone elses

Thanks Dad.