quote of the day


Savage Mystic
May 16, 2003
Reaction score
dave tate said:
Rachel trained specifically for this meet, set a goal, and went and made it happen. Do you know just how rare this is today? Look around at your peers, family, and acquaintances. How many of them strive for and reach anything? This is what powerlifting really is at its core level, and why I love the sport so much.

Do you really want to be like everyone else, or do you want to find something to strive for?

from here. Also, I don't know if he's always been so well spoken and articulate, but Tate really comes off as a pretty intelligent guy in this interview. Quite a bit different from what I remember in the past, but maybe I have selective memory on the issue.
Dave Tate's always come off as very intelligent and well spoken to me. He does crack a lot of wise though, but if you sift through the jokes, what he says almost always has a lot of thought and weight behind it. I heard him on the FitCast a while back, and seriously could not stop laughing.
fuck... now my job is going to get a HELL of a lot more involved... before that, it was cake.

Look on the bright side - one more post and you hit 13k.
I got a little misty eyed reading it, as I'm sure Urban did as well.
My vote goes to hunto for "Sears has it FREE!" in the just-closed thread on Matt Furey's book "Combat Conditioning."

(The quote referring, of course, to the bizarre, now-closed thread started today by the now-banned NE-PATRIOTS888 about shoplifting 45-pound plates from Sears, then admitting he made the story up).

I think "Sears has it FREE!" needs to be a new all-purpose response to questions that should not have been asked.
My vote goes to hunto for "Sears has it FREE!" in the just-closed thread on Matt Furey's book "Combat Conditioning."

I think that needs to be a new all-purpose response to quesitons that should not have been asked.

Flak!! I shit you not, in WW2OL, every question we asked the Rats (devs) was answered with either "Buy more RAM" or "Soon." DOC was famous for "soon."
Flak!! I shit you not, in WW2OL, every question we asked the Rats (devs) was answered with either "Buy more RAM" or "Soon." DOC was famous for "soon."

At work, I think every question I ask the IT people is answered with "soon."
My favorite dave tate quote is when he said "if hate is a value of yours--then fucking hate EVERYBODY"
I've always found Tate comes off extremely well spoken and intelligent. If you can find some Youtube clips of him at seminars he always covers some really important points that a lot of people can't grasp in plain english.
In an effort to keep this thread from becoming similar to most threads around here.

That is a very good quote for people to remember in everything they do.
i dont have a favorite quote

"We no longer demand anything. We want WAR!!" -A. Hitler

"Y'all." - Britney Spears

"New-kyoo-luhr" - G.W. Bush

"Read my lips. No new Taxes." GHW Bush.

"I did not have sexual relations with that woman." Bill Clinton

"Lighten up, Francis!" - Sgt. Hulka

"Well how much straightening out can you do in 6 weeks?" John Winger
"Veni, Vidi, Vici" -Caesar

"To the strongest." Alexander the Great on his deathbed when asked who he left his empire to.
"For every drink, there is a five percent better chance you will get in a fight. There is also a three percent better chance you will lose the fight."

-Frank Kelly Rich

Regarding Urban's quote, I like it. Not many people I know have goals that extend past the coming weekend. I've been slowly moving towards mine for almost a decade, but I get closer everyday.