Questions for Koral Gi owners


Blue Belt
Oct 5, 2005
Reaction score
Hey guys-
I'm thinking of getting a white Koral basic Gi. For all you current Koral Gi owners:
-Do the red patches bleed if you wash the Gi in hot water?
-Is it REALLY preshrunk? Is there ANY shrinking at all? (For time sake, I plan to always wash it in hot water with my other white Gi, and dry it in the dryer with hot air)
-Would you buy Koral again?
I have 3 Koral gis and they shrunk maybe a 1/4 inch. I wish it would of shrank a little more. The patches are emboridered so no, they didn't bleed. I don't have any of the pants any longer. I can't remember if they shrunk or not. I would buy another Koral.
I like the koral gis alot actualy.. They are light, and comfortable. only down side to them is their cost.

Very expensive for a single weave.

Im waiting for the new Mkimonos gold weave that is commin out. Lutador or something like that.
I have 2 Koral gi's: an MKM and a regular one. They don't shrink, but I like how they fit outta the box. The pants shrunk a lil bit, thou. The patches don't bleed. Koral gi's are light and sturdy. I've had my regular Koral gi for 3 years now. It is still rockin, albeit a few worn marks here and there. I highly recommend them.

BTW, I just got an MKimonos gold weave. Its pretty nice compared to my Koral. Its soft/pliable, but the collar is thicker. I will roll in it later this week to complete the experience. Can't wait for the new Lutador Americano line. Supposed to be like the MKimonos but 10x better.