Question for the higher belts(high blues and above pref)

That makes sense working on sweeps from guard since Im not a wrestler and my takedowns aren't any good. I normally go for submissions from guard then sweeping.
when you are new blue you are usually just "catching" submissions. You wait till you see opportunity and snatch it when it comes by. I am not sure how your instructor teaches but I would run a series of techniques each week and strive to make them work.

the techs taught in class would be the ones I try in sparring. what you need to do once you learn the basics is to force opening and submissions on others. one week work on arm bar from side. one week arm bar from mount. one week arm bar from guard. after a year or so youll start to see what your body type prefers.

developing you "own"game is kinda higher level. I would work with forcing, and then with chaining techniques. All BJJ is a sort of algorithm. Learn all the basic ... if then go to ... concepts; then it will be time to create your own.

If you really want to focus on your top game ... try to take simple submission taught to you from other positions and try to make them work from the top. But still it is all basics basics basics drill drill drill.
gusano said:
If you only focus on the top game then you will be stuck if ever caught on the bottom. You still need to practice the bottom game but you can place more emphasis on escaping inferior positions and sweeping to gain the top position. You don't need to become a bottom player but you DEFINATLEY need to be able to transition from the bottom to the top, be it escapes, reversals or sweeps.

A good way to do this is to always start on the bottom when sparring.

wow.. i mean didn't i say all that???